Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Few Firsts

Cecilia got to experience a few firsts this weekend.

The first one of course being Thanksgiving.

Like last year, my parents had us over for lunch and later that day my whole family came over for desserts and to socialize.

We had a wonderful, relaxing time and Cecilia got to experience a house full of her closest relatives. She didn't know what do to with all those people!

My brother, Mayo, was in town and he got to spend some quality time with his favorite niece!

She was a little unsure of him at first but it didn't take her long to warm up and put on the charm.

Since I had to work the next morning and my parents were keeping Cecilia, we decided that her and I would just have a sleep over at Momoi and Pap's house. To our surprise we woke up to this...

SNOW!!! I can't believe it has already snowed here! The even crazier thing is we had ground covering snow in Bowling Green!

I'm hoping it snows at least one good time so we can let her feel it but it better be on a weekend. Y'all know I don't do snow when I have to go some where!

The third and final of Cecilia's first was Black Friday shopping! I ventured out last year with my Nanny and Mom and it wasn't too bad but still not my cup of tea. I have no idea why I was so dead set on it this year but I wanted to go again. So after I got off work, Mom, Cecilia and I headed to out to shop.

I was expecting the worst and had prepared myself for long lines and ladies throwing elbows. To my surprise, there was normal holiday traffic in town, I found a spot almost near the door, and I never waited in line! A few times we even had to find a cashier to check us out! I think I made a million comments about how nice of a day it was and how I couldn't believe there weren't that many freaks out shopping! I was floored to say the least especially since my Nanny told me about her experience waiting in line for 2 hours just to have fabric cut at a fabric store! I thought for sure if the fabric store was that crazy then the mall would be a mad house but it wasn't. I'm guessing with some of the stores opening late Thanksgiving night it helped with the traffic.
If every year will be like that I could become a Black Friday shopper!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

8 Months

I told your daddy the other day I feel like we have a toddler! We are constantly running into people out and about and they are all amazed at how big you are for your age! I feel like I'm packing around an amazon baby! If I hear 'oh my daughter/granddaughter/niece is twice her age and not near that big' I'm going to scream! So let's see how big you are. At 8 months you are weighing about 21lbs, wearing 9-12 month clothes, 12 months sleepers and size 3 diaper. You're still eating cereal in the mornings and a fruit and vegetable at night. We sometimes throw a meat in there just to change things up.

You love sitting in the floor playing with your toys and will do so for hours. You like it when we sit down and play with you but you are also content playing by yourself.

You are full of endless chatter and you make the funniest sounds! You are for sure saying daddy and bye bye but you have no idea the appropriate time to use those words.

We still have no movement from you in any form. The moment your belly hits the floor you are in tears. We have started letting you stand up and you do so really well. We can put your hands on the couch and you will stand there by yourself for a few seconds. Daddy is working to see if he can get you to walk. I'm not getting my hopes up because you are pretty lazy when it comes to moving these days.

This weekend we went to Muncie to celebrate Thanksgiving and to meet Nora.

She is so sweet and so very tiny. Daddy kept saying he doesn't remember you that small and the sad thing is it wasn't that long ago but it seems like forever!

Oh how things change so fast!

Daddy trying to remember how to hold such a delicate baby!

You were pretty clingy to me this weekend for some reason. You didn't mind for other people to have you but if I was around you were reaching for me. Oh which you started doing these past few weeks!

As I was holding Nora, you weren't digging me not being able to hold you. You whined a bit but I let you get over it.

We love this 6 to 9 month period and we are really looking forward to your reaction to the Christmas season. We love you Gee!
Oh and we want to give a shout out to Uncle Mayo.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Deck the Halls?

It seems everyone has stepped into the Christmas spirit a tad early. We went to the mall last weekend and it seems Christmas has arrived. I heard Christmas carols being played and Santa's home has been set up in the middle of the mall. Two of our neighbors have already climbed in their attics and pulled out their Christmas decorations.

What in the world?

I'm not ready for all this. I am the type person who likes to take one holiday at a time. I like to get through one before I gear up for the next. As I'm trying to figure out our Thanksgiving timeline, Santa is hopping out of his sleigh ready to take orders.

Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas and I'm especially excited for this Christmas with it being Cecilia's first but I feel it has come early.

Am I the only one noticing?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gobble! Gooble!

So can you guess what my theme was for Cecilia's socks?
Are they not cute?!
She once again kept them on all day and they were still pretty well in tack when I picked her up.

(Please note that I did NOT send my child out without pants. They covered the socks so I ditched them for the picture)

Sadly, we think she was the only one to dress up these past two days. No one else seemed to be wearing a hat yesterday other than the teacher and today no one else had on crazy socks. Oh well, we have had fun with it!

Newest Miller

This morning, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law welcomed their new baby girl, Nora Renee, into their family.

She is a tiny little thing weighing in at 6 lbs 8 oz and 19.2" long. From the small picture we got this morning, she is a cutie and I can't wait to get my hands are her next weekend!

Congratulations, Bryan and Kaci!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dressin' Up

This week in Cecilia's class at daycare they are having different dress up days. Today was crazy hat day so I threw this little number together...

It was super cute on her..

and they said she wore it all day and didn't bother it. Really? Because about 2 seconds after putting it on her head this morning she ripped it off.

I guess pulling her arm down and telling her 'no ma'am' this morning worked.

Tomorrow is crazy sock day and I just finished them. I'm SUPER excited. I may have to make me a pair!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Meet Tuck

Meet Tuck the Turtle...

Tuck has been in our lives for the past week and will continue to be part of the family at least for one more week.

He joined our family last Wednesday after a trip to the doctor and he gets to come out and play 3 times a day. He comes with a cool machine that makes loud noises that would scare any 7 month old child and requires medicine that costs an arm and a leg.
Thankfully, he has helped Cecilia breathe better and hopefully we won't have to entertain him anymore after this next week.
(Side note: what goof puts a sticker on a scary looking mask and expects a baby to find it fun and calming?! Clearly a goof that has never give their child a breathing treatment)