Monday, January 28, 2013

Needing Change

I'm starting to get into a weekend funk.  We have been on the same little schedule for a while now and I'm tired of it.  I feel like we rush around on Friday nights going to dinner then hitting the grocery store that we never really enjoy our Friday nights.  Brent suggested we go on Saturday mornings but I hate having to get up (and shower!) at a decent hour just to get there before the crowd.
I'm needing my weekends to be more relaxed and less scheduled.
I tried to ween my family off our schedule this weekend and it worked pretty well.
Saturday morning, Brent had a meeting so that left C and I plenty of playtime.
She is in a baby craze phase.  We talk about babies A LOT.  Not just fake babies but real babies too. 
No I don't have some big announcement to make!!!  It is so strange to hear her talk about wanting a baby to hold and wanting a sister or brother.  We NEVER start this conversation.  Trust me, I just got hot thinking about being pregnant.
I'm not sure where she has picked up this baby thing.  Oh!  It just hit me that it might be that we have talked a lot about my friend Alicia and the baby in her belly.  She seems to have this ridiculous memory so maybe that's where all this is coming from.  I'm not sure but when girlfriend whipped out that there needs to be a baby in my belly, I got hot and about passed out.  Seriously, not a normal 2 year old conversation.  And she needs to quit before everyone at school thinks I'm pregnant.
We managed to get our minds off babies long enough to make cupcakes with "sparkles" (aka sprinkles).
Cecilia honestly loves being in the kitchen with me.

She is always asking to help and I knew this would thrill her because she can pretty much do everything herself.

She had a blast and was so proud of herself.

I was a little nervous about "sparkles" being all over the floor but I told her to be gentle and she listened!

She couldn't wait to eat her creation.

For an all white cupcake, it wasn't bad!
I need more weekends like this.  Ones where we carve out time to do fun things and still find time to relax.  I think the weather has something to do with it.  I'm tired of being locked up inside and needing spring to come faster!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Random Wednesday

Since we were stuck in the house all last week and the weekend before, Brent and I decided C needed a little outing to Chuck E Cheese.  I am typically against Chuck E Cheese on a Friday night but decided at 4:30 it couldn't be that bad.  WRONG!  I came home needing a nerve pill but C had the time of her life!

After seeing the below picture, Brent asked why she looks 10.

I have no idea but she looks pretty cute in glasses.

I got the Clarisonic Mia 2 scrubber for Christmas and it has changed my life!
Clarisonic Mia 2 comes with a travel case, charger and trial size cleanser

I haven't always been the best at washing my face every night (gasp!) but declared this year as the year of taking care of my skin.  Turning 30 may or may not have something to do with that.

This bad boy combined with the Aveeno night moisturize I got, my face feels fabulous!


C is in a horrible phase right now of not listening and telling us "no."  It's been great.  I had to escort her out of church the other night and threaten her life.  I've gotten 5 new grey hairs.
Monday I got suckered into buying overpriced school pictures.  To my defense, this particular photographer had the kids dress up in costumes and the theme was Old Hollywood.  C looked really cute in the outfit and her facial expressions were hilarious. It was as if she was saying, 'I think you are the dumbest person I've even met.'
When I came home to tell Brent, he told me that apparently he needs to start picking up C on those days.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Just Saw the Theme

Well apparently the funk I had last weekend was only the tip of the iceberg.  There may or may not have been tears shed because I haven't felt that bad in a long time and I couldn't deal.  Thankfully, it was not flu or strep.
With me finally feeling normal today, I was itching to do a few projects.
My first was a little message board for Brent and I to write sweet nothings to one another.  Hahaha!  Yeah like that's going to happen.
Seriously, occasionally I need to leave him a note not to forget something and I never seem to have paper on hand.  A napkin has done the job a time or two.

So I got my Silhouette Cameo out and whipped this bad boy together.  Love the way it turned out.
While I was in Hobby Lobby today, I found some material that just screamed "make me a pillow."  I decided to answer that calling and made 2 new couch pillows.

Loving them with the other ones I made a few months back.

It wasn't until I posted the pictures, did I notice I had theme going on today.  Can we say chevron lover?  Wasn't even planned.

Monday, January 14, 2013


I have spent much of last week in a complete fog.  For the first 3 days, I battled a headache so bad that decapitation sounded like a really good idea. 

Wednesday, C was sent home with a high fever so her and I spent much of Wednesday night cuddled up in my bed watching movies.  We still aren't sure what it was but we were thankful it only lasted the night.

Friday night, I came down with whatever funk is going around town and it hit me like a ton bricks.  I spent the majority of my weekend on the couch curled up in a blanket which wasn't too bad since it rained all weekend.

I had a few highlights despite my miserable week.  1.  I have been doing some serious online shopping for our upcoming family vacation with Brent's family.  I have found some crazy deals on clothes for C and I.  The only downfall is that I'm in search of a bathing suit for me.  It has been a while since I have graced the public with all this goodness but I'm pretty sure muffin tops aren't in this year.  :(  So I will spend the next few months trying on suits that will leave me feeling depressed and wishing I was more motivated to workout.

2.  My Niners won Saturday and I was able to do a little trash talking to my brother-in-law's girlfriend who eats, sleeps and breaths all things Packers.

3.  My mom is finally home and we were able to visit for a bit Saturday night.  It sounded like she had a good trip and I'm excited to hear more when my brain can actually function normally and process information.

I'm hoping the funk will pass soon because I have list of craft projects for an upcoming baby shower that won't make themselves and a house that is begging for a cleaning.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Never the same

Tomorrow she is will get on a plane that will take 1500 miles outside her comfort zone.  She will land in a country where running water, electricity and cozy beds are luxuries.

"...If anyone wants to be My follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me".  Mark 8:34
There will be a language barrier but that's ok, she's not there to speak.  She is there to show God's love to little faces who otherwise might not know it.  They will cling to her because she will make them feel like the most important person in the world.

"...Let the little children come to Me.  Don't stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these".  Mark 10:14
After tomorrow, her life will forever be changed because she chose to answer a calling.

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying:  Who should I send?  Who will go for Us?
I said:  Here I am.  Send me".  Isaiah 6:8
Tomorrow my mom, along with several other volunteers, will go to Haiti on a mission trip.  They will spend 6 days working, teaching, laughing and loving His children as he has asked them to do.  They will give all of themselves because He gave all of himself. 

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit".  Matthew 28:19

She will not be the same person we put on the plane but I wouldn't want her to be. 
I am so proud of her.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas, The Finale

The day after Christmas, we headed over to my Granny's for dinner and gifts.
Cecilia is the youngest one there so pretty much we just sit and watch her and my Granny open gifts.

Last Friday morning we headed to Muncie to celebrate with Brent's family.  Cecilia was so excited about seeing Aubrey, Nora and Shaffer.
They had already had a pretty good snow before we got there but Saturday morning delivered more.  All the guys bundled up and shoveled the driveway.  The girls supervised.

My sister-in-law and I are desperate to get a good picture of all the grandkids but it never works out.  This was the best I got.
Finally after the drive was shoveled, we got to break into the gifts!

Cecilia was overwhelmed with all the new things and could barely focus.  As soon as a new toy was opened, that's all she could think about.  I ended up doing some of her opening just to speed the process up.
Even though the girls got lots of new toys, the snow was calling their names.  I had brought my snow bibs but we didn't have anything really warm for C so Brent and his brother made a quick trip to Wal-Mart to pick up some snow gear for the girls.

C was so excited to go out.  I assumed her trip out would be short lived and she wouldn't be all that jazzed about the snow.

I was wrong...she LOVED it!

She was so cute playing in the snow and trying to throw snowballs.  I had tackled my sister in law throwing her in the snow and C thought it was the funniest thing and wanted me to do it to her.  The kid would have stayed out there for hours but her little face and hands were freezing.
Seeing that much snow definitely made me wish we would get some.  But then I remember that us southerns don't handle snow that well so I got over it.  Sadly C has asked to play in the snow everyday since.  :(
 We headed home on Monday to squeeze in one last hang out session with my brother and sister in law before they had to fly back home.
Tomorrow we are back to the grind of the things.