Monday, September 14, 2015

My Recovery Time Ain't What It Used to Be

Last weekend, I managed to catch some super funk that left me laying on the couch in the fetal position wrapped in death for much of Sunday and Monday.  It's been awhile since I've gone down that hard and my recovery time wasn't as fast as it used to be.  And there is nothing I hate more than trying to adult and fight the funk at the same time.  I was a complete joy to be around me last week. 

So other than fighting the funk, this is what we've been up to this month.

Celebrating B's birthday.

C pulled me aside a few days before B's birthday and told me we needed to make signs and decorate the whole house.  I just stuck with the signs (she told me all the places to put them) but after my lecture that night, I'll be decorating the whole house, balloons and all, next year.  #whyisshesobossy

She made B put the pink candle she picked out on his cupcake too.  You can tell how thrilled he was.  :)

I see this site at least 10 times a day.

Giving her kisses

Cracking up at whatever face she is making.

We've also moved into the feeding yourself phase.

It's more like shove as much in your mouth as possible but it does the job.

One thing we've learned, you don't eat in front of him without sharing.

Sister doesn't always like sharing, especially her popcorn.

We have to remind her a LOT sharing is caring.  She doesn't like that rule unless you are the one who is supposed to share with her.

C enjoyed Breakfast with Grandparents at school.

And Balloons, Tunes and BBQ with one of our favorite old daycare friends.

We attended my cousin's wedding this past weekend.  I turned around in the car to find a 16 year old riding with us.


C LOVES weddings.  She asked when our next one was.  Ha!

My Sunday morning loves.

1 comment:

Erin said...

She DOES look 16 in that picture! And what is U eating in those first pictures?? I need tips! :)