Wednesday, January 6, 2016

5,4,3,2 ONE!

Uryah Bayles is ONE!

That was one of the quickest year I have ever had.

Showing his classic grumpy face.

I have no idea how much he weighs (feels like 50 pounds when I have to pack him anywhere. :)) but he is wearing 24 month to 2T clothing, wears a size 5 diaper and a 5.5W shoe.

He is still eating anything he can get his hands on.  B said last night it wasn't normal for a kid to eat that much.  Ha!  We've stopped giving him formula, only giving him regular milk at meal and snack time.

He babbles non-stop, crawls everywhere and gets into everything.  We've caught him saying 'uh-oh', 'U-U' and 'bye-bye' but it's been just once or twice.

We celebrated him turning one with a small party on New Year's Eve.

He heard there was cake and was PUMPED!!  :)

Trying to get my dad's camera, again.

A little Mama lovin'.

A little family pic.

C doesn't look thrilled here but let me tell ya, girlfriend played hostess all morning.  She served people, took up plates and helped clean up.  Working on her Southern hospitality early.

We were very curious on how U would react to his cake.  C flipped out and cried when we tried to get her to eat. 

After B gave him a little taste, he was all in.

I do not appreciate you laughing at me.

It was a very laid back morning celebrating U and it is so hard to believe he is already one.  The years are zipping by but we are loving every minute!


Emily said...

Oh my goodness, he is so stinking cute! A is experimenting with her "grumpy face" also, cracks us up! Happy birthday, U!

Erin said...

Happy Birthday U!! First of all - I loved your invitation and how "Santa will be good to him". I totally should have done that! Second - Kane was just like C - he freaked out over his cake! lol! Third - that last pic of U eating cake is hilarious! ANd - I NEED that big jar that you have change in! I've been looking for one for Ty's room for months now! Where'd you find that?!