Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What We've been doing.

Well, C turned 12.
Overnight, C turned into this SUPER independent girl who HAS to do everything herself regardless of what it is.
While out shopping with my mom and C, I took this picture: 

C wanted to try on some clothes and I was instructed to stand outside the door, that she could handle this.  And handle it she did.  She tried on a few things and modeled each item.  Seriously, where did my 3 year old go?
C has been learning about hibernation at school so we had to make a cave and hibernate like bears.

We even had to eat snacks so we could make it through the winter months.  Ha!

Friday, I had to butter C up with some ice cream before I had to break the bad news that she had to get a flu shot.

I also took her to the library to sweetin' the deal.

Saturday, we all decked out in our Colt's gear to show our support to B's team.
Sadly, they lost but that's ok, mama's (and C's) team is still in it for one more week!

After the game, I needed a stress reliever so naturally I did some craftin'... 

C is obsessed with this pillow.  She want's to sleep with it every night. 

A little V-Day shirt

Remember these?  I gave new life to this desk and love how it turned out!  It was well worth my hands being stained for 2 days.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I LOVE that pillow!! I think I NEED one!