Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Keep Calm

We are excited to announce that Baby Miller #2 is due January 4!  

This is a huge answered prayer for us and we couldn't be happier!  C is beyond excited which is a relief considering when we told her, she told me flat out I was NOT having a baby and continued to tell me the whole way to the doctor's office.  It was a real Hallmark moment.  Thankfully, she was a believer after she saw/heard the baby on the ultrasound.  Whew!  Good thing or this was going to be a LONG 9 months.

I'm doing and feeling good and just ready to start the adventure!


Emily said...

So excited for you guys! And I love the picture announcement, it's so sweet!

Erin said...

So happy for y'all! I'm due on Dec. 19th - so we're not too far apart! Excited to follow your pregnancy!