Friday, May 20, 2011

Walking On Sunshine

It was perfect outside and I need a little exercise so I put Cecilia in the stroller and Colt on the leash and we took off for a walk around the neighborhood.  Cecilia loved being outside, pointed at various things and watched parents enforce free child labor.

About halfway (more like a quarter of the way) into our walk, my lazy dog decided he couldn't take anymore walking.  I was either going to have to drag him the rest of the way or hold him.  He weights as much as Cecilia and there was no way I could push a stroller with a 24 lbs baby inside and carry a 24 lbs dog 1/2 mile.  It was time to get creative.

I decided to lay Cecilia's seat down and threw the dog in.  Colt wasn't too found of being that close to Cecilia but at this point he didn't care.

("let me tell ya about my best friend..")

Cecilia loved Colt being that close since he rarely lets her touch him.  She loves him so much and the feelings just aren't mutual.

Once he caught his breath, he was out!  It was cute while it lasted.
I tried to get a picture of Cecilia's good time but every time I put the camera in her face she turned her head or looked away from me.  She loves me so.

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