Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Precious Daughter

Monday nights are always hard at our house.  Brent works until 9pm and those nights usually aren't pretty.  C always picks these nights to be a complete brat and I'm left needing a stiff drink.
This Monday I was determined not to have a bad night.  I fixed C and I a little pallet on the floor and told her we would pop popcorn and watch a movie.  She was thrilled!
She really is having a good time.  Just tired of me taking pictures.

Stop taking pictures of me!!  See brat.
She had a big time laying on the floor eating popcorn (and maybe a few cookies) and watching a new movie.

Sadly, we only lasted halfway through the movie before she got in big trouble for throwing things and not listening.  We had to end the night early because I could not handled all the drama that unfolded alone.
Last night I was even more determined not to have a repeat of Monday but that didn't happen.  She managed to cry for a good 45 minutes after I picked her up from school.  Nothing was calming her down so I suggested her and I take a walk.  This seemed to do wonders for her mood and my nerves.  We even managed to have a special mother-daughter moment during our walk. 
We were just about done with our walk and I was mentally congratulating myself on calming the beast.  I was deep in my thoughts when I heard C say something.  I looked down to see my precious 3 year old looking back at me with her big brown eyes.  I bent down closer so I could hear the sweet words of this child of mine that I dang near birthed naturally. 
Me:"What's that honey?"
C:"Yeah.  Why are your legs wiggling?"
I gathered what little self confidence I had left and replied, "because they're fat and I'm out of shape!"
Hallmark moments people.  Hallmark moments.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer Woes

I don't know about you, but summer makes me HATE going into work everyday.  I can barely drag my hindend out of bed each morning and I spend the entire morning trying to wake up.  It also makes me super lazy in the afternoons.  C has usually played outside all day at school so she doesn't mind a slower pace evening.
We did manage to get out on Thursday night to enjoy Sonic's half priced milkshakes.
Friday night, we shipped C off to my parent's because Brent and I both had things to accomplish this weekend and it didn't require extra "help."  C didn't mind though.  She loves being anywhere we're not and cries when we pick her up.  Some days she even cries when I pick her up from school and doesn't want to go home.  Makes a mama feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  I told her there used to be a day when I couldn't peel her off me.  Back then I wished for these days so I don't get too upset.
Sunday, we spent the day outside in C's little pool. 
She is going through a monster phase and likes to roar and scare us.  May have something to do with the fact that we've watched Monsters Inc EVERY night this week.
We spent the evening eating popicles and playing on the swingset.

Oh and going to bed early.  Too bad it didn't help anyone's mood this morning.

Monday, June 17, 2013

2 for 1

We traveled to Brent's parent's this weekend not only to celebrate Father's Day but our nephew's 1st birthday as well.

Someone was really excited about seeing her cousins.
The party was baseball themed, of course, so we enjoyed all the good ballpark food like chili dogs, nachos and popcorn.
C ate at least 3 things of popcorn.

The birthday boy eating his cupcake.
My sister in law's mom even did story time which was a big hit.

After the party, we got an added bonus of our oldest niece coming back with us to my in-law's because she wanted to spend more time with C.
They got to ride bikes around the neighborhood...


they chased each other in the yard, played babies and they even slept together!  C thought she was such a big girl for getting to share a bed with her big cousin.
For Father's Day, we went to lunch then took the girls to a nearby park.

Even some of the big kids enjoyed the park.

After a quick trip to the ice cream shop, we had to head back south so we could squeeze a little time in with my dad.
It was a little late when we finally made it to our house and C still had to give her daddy his surprise.
Ignore the hair.  After a day of traveling, we both could have cared less about what it looked like!
She was pretty pumped about her gift and ran to give it to him.

May not be much but it was a gift she did all herself and was very proud of it.  Her daddy loved it!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Little Trooper

I think I've told Cecilia no less than 100 times a day how proud I am of her for being such a big girl about her tear duct surgery.  She was such a trooper all day and didn't shed a tear until after the surgery.
The staff at Vanderbilt Children's made us all feel so comfortable and it made all the difference in the world.  She arrived to surgery in style after a mini chase with her daddy down the hall.

The doctor said she did great and didn't cry once! 
The surgery was a little more than we expected but her ducts were a lot worse than we thought.

C was out of it for a bit but perked up when ice cream arrived.  It heals everything.

She's doing great now and the only way you would know she had anything done was her little black eye.

She continues to amaze me at how well she adjusts to situations and I could not be more proud of her.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Better Than Any Lemonade

I may not have been able to make any lemonade this week but having a picnic with my favorite 3 year old in the back of her daddy's truck at the ballpark was just what I needed.
She has that special power to make everything better.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Life's Lemons Doesn't Always Make Lemonade

Sometimes when life hands you a basket of lemons, you just can't make lemonade.  Instead, you pop a piece of chocolate in your mouth, throw up your hands and declare that life blows sometimes.
Compared to many people's life, my hard days are a walk in the park and I won't dare say otherwise.   It's just when lemon after lemon drops in your lap and not a single good cup of lemonade is made, you feel defeated.  I know things will get better because they always do and that this is a season but dang, I'm ready for a glass of lemonade.
 On brighter notes...
I took my Granny some flowers yesterday in a cute little glass jar that I etched her initials on.
Kind of hard to see but it was pretty cute.  Of course her first question was "are those from your garden?"  Err no.  But since she is has been a huge gardener for at least 60 years that would be her first question.  Sadly I did not get her green thumb.
Saturday, C and I had the majority of the day together.  We had a few errands to run but managed to squeeze in a library visit.

She loves that place and we could have spent all morning there.

I'm so proud of myself for being extremely ahead of the game on Father's Day or at least on Brent's gift.

I left the gift up to C for the most part.  I did have to tell her that a dog bowl probably wasn't on the top of Daddy's list but her final choice was a good one and she was proud of it.
Saturday night, the 3 of us plus my mom went to Mellow Mushroom to listen to a family friend play music.

He's the guy in the middle and is CRAZY talented.  At any given moment he was playing multiple instruments AND singing.  We had such a good time and C danced her little heart away.
We are closer to Friday than we were this morning and I'm hoping our weekend activities will set a new tone for next week.