Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Life's Lemons Doesn't Always Make Lemonade

Sometimes when life hands you a basket of lemons, you just can't make lemonade.  Instead, you pop a piece of chocolate in your mouth, throw up your hands and declare that life blows sometimes.
Compared to many people's life, my hard days are a walk in the park and I won't dare say otherwise.   It's just when lemon after lemon drops in your lap and not a single good cup of lemonade is made, you feel defeated.  I know things will get better because they always do and that this is a season but dang, I'm ready for a glass of lemonade.
 On brighter notes...
I took my Granny some flowers yesterday in a cute little glass jar that I etched her initials on.
Kind of hard to see but it was pretty cute.  Of course her first question was "are those from your garden?"  Err no.  But since she is has been a huge gardener for at least 60 years that would be her first question.  Sadly I did not get her green thumb.
Saturday, C and I had the majority of the day together.  We had a few errands to run but managed to squeeze in a library visit.

She loves that place and we could have spent all morning there.

I'm so proud of myself for being extremely ahead of the game on Father's Day or at least on Brent's gift.

I left the gift up to C for the most part.  I did have to tell her that a dog bowl probably wasn't on the top of Daddy's list but her final choice was a good one and she was proud of it.
Saturday night, the 3 of us plus my mom went to Mellow Mushroom to listen to a family friend play music.

He's the guy in the middle and is CRAZY talented.  At any given moment he was playing multiple instruments AND singing.  We had such a good time and C danced her little heart away.
We are closer to Friday than we were this morning and I'm hoping our weekend activities will set a new tone for next week.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm quite jealous of your library trip -- I miss good ole WCPL! :)