Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Things That Have Made Me Smile

1.  This video is so cute and I hope it wins Katy Perry's contest.
2.  I'm not sure why I'm just hearing about Mix and Match Mama but she has a new fan.  For someone who has been a meal planner for years, this chick just made me so VERY happy and my life so much easier.
3.  I may not be 13 anymore but I think every girl/woman needs to hear these words.
4.  This video brings back so many memories.  My parent's house sounded a lot like this when I was little.  And sadly my house now sounds a lot like this and this is TOTALLY Brent.

1 comment:

Momoi said...

Hmmmm...that video that reminds you of home, not sure if I feel good about that or not.