Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Name Game

It is no secret that Brent and I struggled finding a name perfect for our little guy.  We couldn't agree on anything and by October, I was completely frustrated and informed Brent it was his responsibility to find a name for our baby.

He spent the next few weeks sending texts with suggestions .  There were a few that made the short list but nothing that wowed me.  Then one Sunday we were sitting in church and the sermon was on King David and Bathsheba.  A story I know well but what I never remembered was Bathsheba's husband's name, Uriah.  We get to Sunday School and Brent leans over and says he likes that name.  He had heard it before because there are two MMA fighters with that name and he thought it would be a good unique name.  I'm sold!  Sadly, even though he came up with the name, he wasn't 100% sold.  Argh!

We started referring to the baby as Uriah and it really started to grow on me.  Brent still had his doubts and didn't want to fully commit.  Well, by mid November, I told him that was the name I was using.  I was tired of going back and forth.  He finally decided it was a good solid name and that he was good with it.

I decided to change up the spelling of the name because of the middle name we already had.  Bayles comes from my Nanny's maiden name.  I was named after my great grandfather's nickname, Casey, and I had decided many years ago that I wanted to use Bayles if I ever had a boy.  Since the 3rd letter in Bayles is "Y", I decided to change the "I" in Uriah to a "Y."  I just liked the way it looked when it was all spelled out.

We do get asked a lot what nickname we will give him.  I guess since everyone knows we have a nickname for C (Gee), they assume we will have one for Uryah.  C's nickname just happened so I have no idea if Uryah will have one.  UB has been mentioned several times by several different people but who knows if it will stick.  We will just have to see.  

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