Here I am at 32 weeks! Only 8 (+-) more weeks to go! Belle and I had an appointment yesterday and as usual everything looks and sounds great. I'm doing good and experiencing normal pregnancy symptoms i.e. feet/ankles swelling so much I can't zip up my boots and my socks leave marks!, fingers swelling to where my rings are started to get tight, and I'm still having those stupid leg cramps! Dang I will be glad when they go away! I'm starting to feel a little pressure in my stomach area and the doctor said that was normal (assumed it was) and that it was probably me just having small contractions. I gained a few more pounds which I was fine with but I did ask her if she was concerned at all with my size because I was 8 months pregnant and I could still see my feet. She laughed and said that I was right on tract with my weight and that I shouldn't worry. It's just not in me to have a 9 pound baby. Hallelujah! I was a tad worried about having a big baby because Brent was quite the hoss cat baby! We go back every 2 weeks for the next month, then in March we start our weekly appointments. The count down has really started!
In other random news, I have found a new snack that I just can't seem to shake.