Sunday, June 20, 2010

3 Months

Today you are 3 months old and boy have you changed in the last month! You have already developed such a little personality and are becoming more and more active each day!

You weigh around 14 pounds and are currently rotating between 0-3 and 3-6 month clothes (it just depends on the brand). I am having to pack away clothes daily that you have outgrown. Tonight we tried 2 different sleepers before we found one that fit. I just about have to put you in the 3-6 or 6 month sleepers because all the others are just too short. Your little toes curl up and I can't imagine that being comfortable!

You of course are still sleeping all night and have developed your own schedule. I tried to get you on one but you laughed in my face and got one of your own! You wake up between 5:15 to 5:30 eat and stay up for an hour then go back down for another hour or so. You cat nap like a champ during the day but around 4:30 or 5 you take a good hour nap. Then you go to bed between 7:30 and 8. It is a little crazy but it works for us!

You've became a drama queen and use your power often! Or at least try. Being a bit of one myself I don't let you get anyway with it quite like you wish. The dramatics usually kick in after the bottle has been taken out of your mouth. You become highly upset and demand more but it ain't happenin'! You also like to pitch a fit when you are done playing whatever activity we are currently doing or when you feel like no one is paying you enough attention. This doesn't happen often but when it does I have to say its pretty funny. Your lip turns down and you let out short little cries. Most of the time I sit and laugh at you until you are done. I'm so scared you will turn into a brat that I refuse to cater to every cry especially when I know you are perfectly fine.
On the flip side, you are a VERY happy baby! Our colic phase vanished several weeks ago and your daddy and I couldn't be happier! You love coming home after daycare and laying in your room listening to your nursery rhyme cd and playing with your toys. You kick your legs the whole time and are starting to try to sing along. That is my favorite time with you!

We have started turning on cartoons in the morning and you seem to enjoy watching them. I put you in your bouncer and we watch cartoons while I eat breakfast. I'm not sure how much you can see of it but you stare at the tv and smile.
Daddy has started making noises with his mouth and you are desperately trying to imitate him. It is so funny watching you try to get your mouth moving just right and make the noise. You smile the whole time you do it!
We have discovered some traits that you have gotten from each of us lately. Most of the ones you got from your daddy we can't discuss in public but you do sneeze multiple times like he does and snore like him. I've already stated you are dramatic like me, what we like this week may not be what we like next. We both drool when we are in a deep sleep and prefer to fall asleep on our bellies. I'm sure there will be more as the months go on and I'm just dying to see who you will favor more. For some reason I think you will have my attitude but that is only because I feel like it will be payback for what I put Momoi through! I keep saying you will probably be 1000 times worse than me! Only time will tell!
I'm not sure what this next month will hold but I do know it will be a wild and crazy ride and I'm excited!

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