Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Last

Not only do I want to document all Cecilia's firsts but also her lasts. Or as many as I can. When she is 13 and the hormones kick in and I am 'the worst mother in the world' (slammed door in the face and all), I want to not only remember the first time she says Mama but the last time she reached out the be held.

So tonight I write about the last time I got up in the middle of the night to feed her. For some reason I just knew when I got up with her last Thursday night at 1:30 am that it would be my last time for one of our feedings/chats. I'm not sure why I thought that; maybe it was because she was going longer in between feeding and I knew if we timed her last feeding just right she would sleep through the night. So when I got up with her last Thursday night, I remember staring at her soaking in the moment. I didn't let my eyes close like normal (even though I have found that really hard to do especially after I have been drooling for 4 hours!) because I didn't want to miss that moment with her. Sappy I know but again these are the other moments I want to remember. It is amazing how for 2 months Brent and I talked about how great it will be when she finally sleeps all night but yet once its here, I miss it. Stubbed toes in the dark and all.

On the other side of the sappy, emotional moment is the moment when my child slept through the night and has been for a week now! I feel like she is so grown up because she has normal sleeping hours or at least I think she does. Brent is still struggling with those early hours!

I am proud to say Cecilia sleeps from 8:30 to about 5:15 now! And she knows when it is 8:30 because she pretty much just passes out on the dot. I lay her on my chest at 8:30 and by 8:35 is snoring and out cold!
I love having that hour and a half at night to get things done around the house and have time for Brent and I before my body realizes it is 10 and falls to the floor! Cecilia clearly got her internal clock from her Mama!
So tomorrow night Brent and I will raise our glasses and celebrate that our daughter is officially an all night sleeper!

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