Monday, March 4, 2013


  Saturday, Cecilia and I got our hair cut.  Her hair frustrates me more than anything.  Its thin and lays wacky in the back and her bedhead is ridiculous.  She rocks a rat tail the majority of the time because of the way it grows.  I told Betty Jane (my hairdresser) my frustrations and she worked her magic as always.  Look at this kids hair!
She also gave us some product to dab on her hair to keep it from being so wild in the mornings.
 I have been in awe of her hair all weekend!  Brent thinks I'm nuts but seriously, her hair looks fabulous!
After hair cuts, an ice cream stop was a must.
In the last few weeks Cecilia has become a picky eater.  If you ask her what she wants for dinner she will either say noodles or chicken & fries.  This has made dinner a nightmare for me because I never know if she will eat what we are having or what I've fixed for her.  There has been many nights where I fix her something else and I end up eating it because she liked my plate better.
Last night I thought I had scored with a new recipe that combined a few of her favorite veggies with mac and cheese.

She barely got it in her mouth before she was spitting it out.  Seriously?
So she ate cereal.

And to show she has a little Brent in her...

Take a picture of me Mama.
I ordered some sandals from a few weeks ago.  I got them in the mail the other day only to find they sent me the wrong pair.  I haven't had the best of luck with their customer service department and I was expecting a fight but they were SUPER nice, honored my previous discount even though it didn't apply to my new order AND gave me a $5 gift card for the hassle!  I ended up getting the shoes for half price.  Thank you very much!
Last night we watched the first part of The Bible.  I really enjoyed watching it and thought they did a good job of hitting all the high points.  I've done a few bible studies where the scripture was done as a movie and I enjoyed it.  Something about seeing it packs a bigger punch.  I got nervous during one point even though I knew how it turned out.  Ha! 

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