Monday, July 8, 2013

4th of July and Then Some

This is the fist year I can remember our Fourth of July being a complete washout.  We spent most of the day laying around and getting this prepared for that evening.
C was feelin' the holiday and gave us a mini parade.

We weren't doing much that night.  I had invited my parents and my Nanny over for dinner.  We never really do much when it is during the week because some of us (me) had to work the next day.
Even though our crowd was small, I still wanted to decorate a little.  C helped make these cute napkins. 

In between rain showers, we were able to shoot off what little fireworks we got.  The noise bothers C a lot so she wasn't much into it.  She stayed in some one's arm the entire night with her ears covered.  The only thing she likes is the things you throw on the ground that pop.  My Nanny also thoroughly enjoys them too.
Despite all the rain we had a really good time and I'm convinced my Nanny had the best time of us all.
Currently my favorite picture because my Nanny NEVER smiles in pictures.
Saturday night, a group of us went to Nashville to celebrate us girls turning 30 this year.

We ate at Rock Bottom then hit Broadway for some live music.  One of my favorite things is listening to a really good band and people watching.  And in Nashville you will see all kinds!
Sunday, the sun FINALLY decided it would make an appearance so we hit up a local park to feed the ducks and play.

C had had so much fun the past 4 days that she managed to pass out early last night and slept 11 hours in her own bed!  Sadly, I didn't get the same rest because our dog is a freak show and decided 5:15am was an appropriate time to bounce on my head.  Of course I thought I was playing it off well until a coworker told she could tell in my eyes I wasn't feeling well.  Umm no.  It's called lack of sleep for the past 3 years and my body refusing to go back to pre-kid sleeping mode.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that first pic looks exactly like mini melinda. -mayo