Monday, March 9, 2015

Dr. Seuss and the Snow

Last week was Dr. Seuss week at school in honor of his birthday.  The teachers had a few fun things planned throughout the week to celebrate.  Monday, they fixed green eggs and ham for the kids to eat at morning snack but according to C it was disgusting and no one ate all of it.  Apparently they were all bribed with chocolate to take at least one bite and you know my off spring took at bite.  We will do just about anything for chocolate.  :)

Wednesday was Wacky Wednesday and C was geared up about it.  She had been telling me for 2 days how she wanted to wear her hair.  The night before I laid out what I thought was a wacky outfit but she informed me it wasn't wacky enough so we went with her plan. 

She nailed it!  She reminds be of Jim Carey in Pet Detective.  U is also dressed wacky even though it is hard to tell.  His onesie was on backwards and he had mix matched socks.  He was thrilled.

Thursday, C woke up to her favorite thing in the world...SNOW.

I'm positive we are the only family in the world that is ok with all this snow.

It makes her so happy and she just loves playing in it.  

Her brother and I stayed inside where it was nice and toasty.

 That is until she begged to go back outside.  Then it was my turn to freeze my bum off.

I can't even tell you how thankful I am to have a husband who will fight the cold to play in the snow hours on end with our daughter.  Mama can't hang as long as he can.  

They were back at it on Saturday morning and even managed to build a snowman.

Sadly we didn't have good supplies for the face or buttons so it has apple eyes, an Oreo mouth and branches for buttons which probably wasn't the best idea.

When I saw the finished product, I asked B why our snowman had a certain anatomy part and he told me that couldn't find anything for buttons.  Umm, rocks probably would have been more appropriate. ;)

And after 3 days of playing in the snow, she was beat.

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