Monday, March 16, 2015

The Weekend

Our weekend was spent preparing for this coming weekend.  Somehow, my first born is turning five on Friday (breathing into a bag now) and I worked on getting everything together for her big day.  This included needing to make a trip to Franklin to grab decorations from my parent's house so on Saturday, I loaded up both kids and headed down.

Not before I made a couple of shirts though.  :) 

A friend of mine wanted me to make her kids some bunny shirts (two on the right) which got my hind end in gear to make my kids bunny shirts for an Easter egg hunt coming up.   Then, I realized St. Patty's Day is this week so I made them matching four leaf clover shirts to wear to school.

After the shirt making was done, I dropped C off with my parent's and U and I headed to my Nanny's for a visit.  C didn't want to go because all of Nanny's attention would be on U and she wasn't studying that.  :)

While at my Nanny's, I did a little investigating on who U looks like.  We've always known that it is my side but we didn't really know who.  Well I think we have figured it out.

The baby on the left is my mom.  I posted this on IG to get other people's opinion and it seems like they agree.  There are very few people who say he looks like Brent and he is fine with that.  Actually, he is totally fine with neither of them looking like him.  He only cares if they have his legs (I may or may not have cankles ;)) and his coordination.  Sadly, it appears C got my coordination (trips and falls over nothing) but she is built just like B.

After visiting with my Nanny, I picked up C and we headed to my friend's to drop her shirts off.  We stayed a few minutes so the girls could play and us mamas could do some much needed catching up.

We made it home just in time for bath and bed.

Sunday was a big day for us.  U made his first appearance at church.

He did GREAT!  He slept through church and Sunday School.  Let's hope we can keep that up.

And I had to post a pic of both kids before church.  Naturally, C has her hands all up in his grill.

She says he is just sooo soft she can't keep her hands off him.  HA!  One day he will get his turn.

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