Friday, July 31, 2015

7 Months

Uryah Bayles is 7 months!

Uryah is around 25 pounds, wears 12-18 month clothes and size 4 diaper.

We are still having him eat mostly table food and it is still going great!  

We still feed him baby food every now and then because sometimes its easier when we go out or if we are having something I don't think a baby should have just yet.  And sometimes, depending on the food, I'll grind it up in our blender for a few seconds so he can enjoy the food without having to work so hard to eat it.  I did this with some corn the other day and he loved it!

Our only issue is I don't think he likes the texture of the food in his hands.  He grabs it and immediately throws it down or if I try to put it in his hands, he throws a small fit.  So we have that to work on that part of it but as far as what foods we give him, there aren't too many limits.  He has even had his first taste of ice cream.  :)

He is still taking 4-8oz bottles a day and eating oatmeal for breakfast.  We will start adding food for lunch this next month.

We finally saw Uryah roll over!  We were at his 6 month appointment earlier this month and the doctor asked if he could roll over.  I told her the school told us he could but we had yet to see it.  She put him on his belly and he flipped right over.  Of course he did.  Sigh.

U LOVES to grab your face with both hands and rub his face all over yours.  It is super sweet and I love when his hands find my face right before he falls asleep.  On the flip side, its probably why we've had pink eye 3 times in 2 weeks.

"Come closer Mama so I can touch your face."

He also loves bath time!

He splashes around the whole time and loves playing with his sister's Barbies.  B doesn't know about that.  :)

He said his first word this month, dada and he babbles all.the.time.  B tried to convince me last night that he said mama but since I was sitting right there too, I know he didn't.  I think he just feels sorry for me.

U is also standing a bit when we hold his hands.  He can usually stand for a few seconds then his knees buckle.  You would think with those thighs he would be able to stand for hours.  

C requested the below picture to be taken.

I hope one day U appreciates how much his sister loves him.  She is his biggest cheerleader and takes the big sister role very seriously.  She and I had haircuts last night while U stayed behind and several times she mentioned how much she missed him.  He thinks she is pretty top notch as well.  He lights up every time he sees her.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Weekend

Our weekend kicked off a little early thanks to a little thing called pink eye.  This is our second round in a little over a week and if you thought I was a germaphobe before, you should see me now.  I'm constantly yelling, 'DON'T TOUCH HIS FACE!!!' 'DON'T USE THAT RAG TO WIPE HIS EYES!'  'Did you wash your hands?'  'Go and wash them again.'  I've wiped down everything in my house twice and I'm hoping we are done with it.  If not, I'm burning my house down.

At least its not bothering our little patient.

He even managed to say his first word and naturally since I was caring for him on Friday, it was dada.  For real?  Annoyed doesn't even begin to cover my feelings.

I was hoping to get a little quality time in with C on Friday but she decided that she was going to be possessed instead so short of me going off, I loaded her and her brother in the car for a ride.  I was hoping they would nap and U did but C sat quietly and watched a movie.   Well she was quiet except every few minutes she would ask where we were going.  Pretty sure she thought I was going to drop her off on the side of the road.

After my nerves returned to a semi normal state, I stopped by Sonic for some cool treats for us.  I really need something stronger but that is typically frowned upon at such an early time so a coke had to do the trick.  We ended up dropping off a cool treat for B at work as well and since we were in the neighborhood, we stopped to see my dad too.  To both my and C's delight, he told her she could come home with him.  He and my mom were going to the square to listen to music and it is one of C's favorite things to do.  We needed some space from one another and she couldn't jump out of the car fast enough.  I guess that's what happens when you have a child EXACTLY like you.

Saturday, our day was calmer and we enjoyed the hot weather the only way you can, in a kiddie pool.


C loves for us all to get in and play.  

Sunday was filled with a lot of nothing too.

We tried to hit the park late afternoon but U wasn't feeling the heat.

So we headed home and C and I got back outside for a little girl time.

The First Day of School countdown is on and we plan on making the most of it the next two weeks.

Monday, July 20, 2015

The Weekend

If there was ever a weekend when we did absolutely nothing but stayed busy the whole time, it would be this weekend.  They only exciting thing we did was go to the Konow's to hangout and let the kids run wild. 

They had two inflatables and a swing set to keep them busy all night.

They paused for a brief moment to sing happy birthday to JP and eat cupcakes.  Then they were back at it until we left.

C is obsessed with my friend Kelly.

She showed up a little later than the rest of us and C asked why she was there.  I said, 'why do you think?'  Without skipping a beat she said, 'to see me.'  I told her that is exactly why she was there.  Ha!  I later found C curled in Kelly's lap telling her who knows what.


We are so lucky that all our kids get along and are around the same age so we can get together and not always have to worry with getting babysitters.

Sunday after church, I had several things I had to do and putting up corn was one of them.  Not a super fun job but I enlisted the help of my favorite sidekick and she kept things interesting.

Like fighting with the clear wrap and being done after 2 ears.  Umm sorry, you've got 20 more to go.  She asked a hundred times why we had to do this.  I told her so she could have corn this winter.  We were both glad when that job was done.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Feeding Time at the Zoo

This week we have started a new feeding routine with U.  My friend, Jennifer, told me about Baby Led Weaning about a month or so ago and after reading about it, I thought it seemed like a cool idea.  The concept is to start babies off with chunks of food so they learn to chew first instead of feeding them mush where they learn to swallow first.  I know it seems scary because what if they choke.  Well the funny thing is, if they choke, it will be in the front part of their mouth instead of the back of the throat.  And actually we've had a few 'oh my gosh am I going to have to do a sweep?' but about the time I think I'm going to have to sweep, U spits it out.  It's been really neat testing this new concept out and so far, I'm a huge fan.

He had a peach and green beans the first night.  The only thing he hasn't caught on to yet is grabbing the food and feeding himself.  I'm not sure if it is the texture in his hand or what but last night I got out this big paci looking thing that has mesh on one end and a handle on the other.  The handle end can open so you can put food down in the mesh part.  U seemed to like this a lot better.

Last night, he had squash, carrots and part of a banana.

This is also allowing us to have family dinner instead of me feeding U his meal and me eating after everyone else is done.  I am still going to give him baby food at lunch mainly because he is at school during lunch and I don't want them to have to deal with the huge mess because this way is definitely messy.  U eats in only his diaper and gets a bath as soon as he is done.

I'm excited to try out new foods and see how well this works for us. 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Holiday Weekend

We started our holiday weekend with a sleepover.

Friday night, we babysat for some friends of ours who have a one year old daughter.  Emma has stayed with us before but she was only 6 months and went to bed soon after arriving to our house.  This time around though, she was able to play and have fun with C.

C was completely beside herself all week knowing Emma was coming.  Emma goes to the same daycare as us and I'm pretty sure C told everyone there that Emma was coming to our house.  They had such a good time playing together and U even got some playtime in with Emma but he wasn't feeling as much as C.

Saturday, we were so exhausted after Emma left, we just laid around and didn't do much of anything.

That night, we met another couple for the Hot Rods game.

We are always up for a baseball game and they were lighting fireworks after the game so it was a win/win for us.  C had a blast eating popcorn and watching fireworks.  U had a really good time too.

He stayed awake for the first few inning but then passed out.  He slept through the rest of the game AND the fireworks!  The kid is ridiculous.

We all struggled getting up on Sunday morning but pulled it together only to come home and be lazy the rest of the day.

C had requested a tent complete with a couch, chair, bed and TV.

U got invited over to watch a movie but he wasn't quite feeling her movie choice so he only stayed for a few minutes.

After dinner and bath, we crossed off one of our Summer of Fun activities...SMORES.

C loves the thought of a smores but after taking one bite, doesn't want the rest.  I hate that I always have to finish it for her.  :)

We have this thing in my family where we randomly text each other what we are eating.  I guess C has been watching because after taking a bite of our treat last night, she said, 'ok put yours on here Mama and move those sticks out of the way.  Move this other marshmallow too.  There. Perfect.'  Then she proceeded to take this picture...

Crack up!  That girl doesn't miss a thing.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

6 Months

Uryah Bayles is 6 months old!

Our boy is weighing in around 21-22 pounds, wears 9 to 12 month clothes and size 4 diaper.

He eats cereal mixed with fruit in the morning and a fruit and veggie for dinner.  He takes 4-8oz bottles throughout the day.

This month he has started grabbing things with a purpose.  Usually that purpose is to shove it in his mouth.

The kid chews on everything!

He is sitting up unassisted longer and longer these days.

I still have to put the Boppy behind him because he is slightly nosy and will lean all the way back to see what is going on behind him.  The ladies who keep him in the nursery at church have a hard time feeding him because he is constantly looking around at the other babies.  I have no idea where he gets that from.  Probably his daddy.  ;) 

He loves playing in the ExerSaucer especially with that bird on the right.  The poor bird usually gets shoved in U's mouth.

But his favorite toy is a blanket.  Go figure.

He will put the blanket over his face and kick really fast.  He'll pull the blanket down and start laughing.  It is the funniest because well, its a blanket and he seems to be having the time of his life.

Speaking of laughing, his laugh has really come to life this month and we have even found his tickle spots which give us hours of entertainment.

Supposedly, he rolled over at school last week BUT I'm calling bull on the whole thing because he has yet to do it again.  Plus I'm not sure how much I can trust this particular teacher's memory because she also tells me he LOVES tummy time.  Yeah, ok.  Is that why he screams his head off at home when we do it?

U "talks" up a storm and squeal his little head off all the time.  He is constantly jabbering, trying to get words out and is the most vocal during feeding time.  It will definitely be interesting when he really start talking to see who can talk the most, him or his sister.

I do believe that is all the update I have at this point.  I can't believe how fast the past 6 months have gone by!  We've had a blast and can't wait for the many more months and years we get to spend with Uryah.