Uryah Bayles is 7 months!
Uryah is around 25 pounds, wears 12-18 month clothes and size 4 diaper.
We are still having him eat mostly table food and it is still going great!
We still feed him baby food every now and then because sometimes its easier when we go out or if we are having something I don't think a baby should have just yet. And sometimes, depending on the food, I'll grind it up in our blender for a few seconds so he can enjoy the food without having to work so hard to eat it. I did this with some corn the other day and he loved it!
Our only issue is I don't think he likes the texture of the food in his hands. He grabs it and immediately throws it down or if I try to put it in his hands, he throws a small fit. So we have that to work on that part of it but as far as what foods we give him, there aren't too many limits. He has even had his first taste of ice cream. :)
He is still taking 4-8oz bottles a day and eating oatmeal for breakfast. We will start adding food for lunch this next month.
We finally saw Uryah roll over! We were at his 6 month appointment earlier this month and the doctor asked if he could roll over. I told her the school told us he could but we had yet to see it. She put him on his belly and he flipped right over. Of course he did. Sigh.
U LOVES to grab your face with both hands and rub his face all over yours. It is super sweet and I love when his hands find my face right before he falls asleep. On the flip side, its probably why we've had pink eye 3 times in 2 weeks.
"Come closer Mama so I can touch your face."
He also loves bath time!
He splashes around the whole time and loves playing with his sister's Barbies. B doesn't know about that. :)
He said his first word this month, dada and he babbles all.the.time. B tried to convince me last night that he said mama but since I was sitting right there too, I know he didn't. I think he just feels sorry for me.
U is also standing a bit when we hold his hands. He can usually stand for a few seconds then his knees buckle. You would think with those thighs he would be able to stand for hours.
C requested the below picture to be taken.
I hope one day U appreciates how much his sister loves him. She is his biggest cheerleader and takes the big sister role very seriously. She and I had haircuts last night while U stayed behind and several times she mentioned how much she missed him. He thinks she is pretty top notch as well. He lights up every time he sees her.