Wednesday, July 1, 2015

6 Months

Uryah Bayles is 6 months old!

Our boy is weighing in around 21-22 pounds, wears 9 to 12 month clothes and size 4 diaper.

He eats cereal mixed with fruit in the morning and a fruit and veggie for dinner.  He takes 4-8oz bottles throughout the day.

This month he has started grabbing things with a purpose.  Usually that purpose is to shove it in his mouth.

The kid chews on everything!

He is sitting up unassisted longer and longer these days.

I still have to put the Boppy behind him because he is slightly nosy and will lean all the way back to see what is going on behind him.  The ladies who keep him in the nursery at church have a hard time feeding him because he is constantly looking around at the other babies.  I have no idea where he gets that from.  Probably his daddy.  ;) 

He loves playing in the ExerSaucer especially with that bird on the right.  The poor bird usually gets shoved in U's mouth.

But his favorite toy is a blanket.  Go figure.

He will put the blanket over his face and kick really fast.  He'll pull the blanket down and start laughing.  It is the funniest because well, its a blanket and he seems to be having the time of his life.

Speaking of laughing, his laugh has really come to life this month and we have even found his tickle spots which give us hours of entertainment.

Supposedly, he rolled over at school last week BUT I'm calling bull on the whole thing because he has yet to do it again.  Plus I'm not sure how much I can trust this particular teacher's memory because she also tells me he LOVES tummy time.  Yeah, ok.  Is that why he screams his head off at home when we do it?

U "talks" up a storm and squeal his little head off all the time.  He is constantly jabbering, trying to get words out and is the most vocal during feeding time.  It will definitely be interesting when he really start talking to see who can talk the most, him or his sister.

I do believe that is all the update I have at this point.  I can't believe how fast the past 6 months have gone by!  We've had a blast and can't wait for the many more months and years we get to spend with Uryah. 

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