Sunday, September 5, 2010

Personal Day

This morning at the end of church Brent leaned over and told me he was going to take a personal day today to spend time with his girls. He was scheduled to work this weekend and tomorrow but decided that we needed some much needed family time.
I was super excited and we immediately started trying to brainstorm on what we were going to do. I told him that I wished it was pumpkin season already so we could go to Jackson's Orchard. He has never been so I pulled up their website to show him a glimpse and to see when they would have there big fall festival.
Well to our surprise they were having an apple festival this weekend complete with fried apple pies, carmel apples, and anything else apple they could make. We were in! Brent LOVES him a carmel apple!
We loaded up and took the 20 minute drive out to Jackson's Orchard. I was so excited because I haven't been in years and have been wanting to take Cecilia.
Oh it was everything I remember! Wide open spaces with apple trees and peach trees surrounding us, families enjoying picnics under the shade and people every age enjoying some type of apple treat.
We hit the snack stand first thing. To my surprise Brent decides he wants a fried apple pie instead of a carmel apple (he said it was too messy to eat in public. another shock of the husband worrying about what he looks like eating!) and I decide on the apple chips with carmel.

It was SOOOO good! I'm not usually a carmel and apple kind of girl but my goodness this was heaven! It was by far the best apple I have had in a long time. I was going to get a picture of Brent's good lookin' fried apple pie but he had inhaled it before I could even get my camera out. So much for worrying about what he looks like eating!

And our girl...

sat is awe of her surroundings and enjoyed an afternoon sitting under a big tree with a nice breeze blowing up her dress.

Jackson's Orchard, you were everything I remembered.

You welcomed us with open arms.

For now we say see ya later. But have no worries, we will be back in a couple of weeks to take in all the fall festivities you have to offer.

(Too much family fun to handle!)

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