Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

We woke up to snow this morning.

I would have really enjoyed the beautiful sight only I had to be in Franklin early this morning and the weather changed those plans. I got no more than a half mile down the road and turned around. It was a little slick and I didn't want to risk it since I had precious cargo with me. I was really disappointed but I couldn't help the weather. And of course they cleared the roads a little too late.

Even though our day hasn't turned out like we had planned, we have made the best of it. We are in our comfy clothes playing and watching it snow. I have even managed to wrap a few gifts with my little helper.

I see today being the same as the rest of the weekend, low-key and lazy. I did do some Christmas shopping last night after Cecilia went to bed and since it was late I didn't have to fight too many crowds. Brent said I didn't get much accomplished (he thought I went to get done) but I checked off all on my "to do list." I've got more gifts done this year than I have any other year so I feel really good about myself. I have never had gifts under my tree this early! Kind of looks nice!
Oh and to kick off our low-key, lazy weekend, we had another play date with the Konow's. I took a few pictures but the girls were in constant motion so it was hard to get one that wasn't blurry! We spent a lot of the evening saying 'that's not yours', 'no,no' 'you have a paci you don't need hers.' They each wanted what the other had and Cecilia kept trying to pull Sydney's bow off! I think they will both definitely keep us busy in the coming years!

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