Monday, February 21, 2011

Birthday Weekend

Friday night we were finally able to get together with the Konows. Oh the fun we had!

We decided to venture out to a restaurant with the girls which proved to be a BIG mistake! Both girls were showing off and seeing who could yell the loudest. Cecilia pulled her classic "mmm-uh" when food was not streaming constantly in her mouth. I promised myself we would never be that family in the restaurant with the out of control kid but I was and I was ashamed of myself. It might be awhile before we take her back out in public!

After a quick exit, we headed to the Konow's for some playtime. That proved to be another disaster! Cecilia was being very unsociable and cranky! My first clue that the night was not going to go well should have been when I picked her up at daycare and she was sitting in an area by herself with the teacher watching her change the bed sheets. Her teacher said she didn't feel like being sociable. Oh and heaven forbid you make her do something she doesn't want to do!

Here are a few pictures I managed to get of the evening...

Clearly Cecilia was not digging Sydney sharing the same air space.

Finally getting over the 'tude.

I think if Jac and I ever want to actually have a conversation, the girls can't be in the equation!

On Saturday night, my parents came up to watch Cecilia while Brent and I went out to dinner to celebrate my birthday. We actually got right in at the restaurant and had a wonderful dinner chatting and catching up without a screaming kid between us.

When we got home, we broke out the cake my mom and dad bought for me.

It was an ice cream cake with chocolate cake, hot fudge layer, then chocolate, chocolate chunk ice cream. The only part that wasn't chocolate was the icing. Mom clearly knows my love language!

Cecilia was asleep but the minute she heard the knife cut the first piece of cake, she was wide awake! So we let her come and enjoy cake with us.

She loved it! Like mother like daughter.

Sadly, all good things must come to an end and some of us have a hard time excepting that...

She did not find it as funny as we did when the cake ran out!

Sunday, Brent had to work so Cecilia and I headed down to my parent's house to have dinner with them and my Nanny.

Cecilia got a little pre-dinner snack...

only grandparents give kids cookies before dinner!

Sunday turned out to be a very nice day out, very usual for February, and we needed to work off our pre-dinner snack so we took a little stroll around the neighborhood.

Cecilia's playmate (Nanny) finally came over and the two played in the floor until dinner was ready.

My parents fixed a fabulous meal and Mom even made another all chocolate dessert!

By the end of the night, we were all full...

and ready for bed.

Cecilia stayed behind and had a sleepover with my parents since Mom was keeping her the next day. I went home, crawled straight into bed and entered a food coma.

A nice end to my 25th birthday! (heehee)
Thanks to all who sent birthday wishes! Y'all know how to make a gal feel special!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! Sounds like a chocolate extravaganza!! Wouldn't you know I had your birthday written in my planner and on my work calendar and I let the day slip by without showing you some birthday lovin! Sorry dear!! Happy 25th!! Wow, and to think..I thought you were only 23 this year!! :)
Love ya! Emily