Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Apparently I have been a little MIA this past week in the blog world. It's just our lives have been filled with such fabulousness I haven't had time. ha! If fabulousness = breathing treatments, doctor visits, and juggling finding a babysitter because of snow days.

I hate snow.

Us Southerns don't do snow covered roads. Freaks us out.

Luckily we were only in a panic for 2 days and it was back to slightly warmer air and sunshine by the weekend.

And speaking of the weekend, Brent's parents came down on Saturday to spend some time with us. We did a little shopping, eating and tried to figure out when the devil possessed my child.

I think it happened sometime last week but I can't be for sure. All I know is she has found her voice and uses it well. She has gotten in a real bad habit of yelling 'mmm-uh' when she notices there is no food being inserted in her mouth. It is particularly annoying when trying to dine in a restaurant. It is getting out of hand so we had to nip that in the bud.

Then to top it all off, she has become SUPER clingy. If she could climb back into the womb she would. WOW! Brent couldn't even hardly hold her. I ended up having to pack her around the mall Saturday to avoid a complete meltdown. I pray it's a phase. If not we could be in trouble!


Yesterday we celebrated Valentine's Day with our little Valentine.

(thanks again Aunt Jac and Sydney for the shirt!)

I cooked dinner last night for us and I told Brent I would fix whatever he wanted. Having the sophisticated palate that he does, he decided he wanted chili dogs and tots. Of all the things! But it's what he wanted and about halfway through his first dog he told me he was our best meal yet. I married a five year old!

Tonight Cecilia and I had girls night.

Brent had to be out of town so her and I have been hanging. We had another gourmet meal of mac n cheese.
And no girls night is complete without sweets...

It was a fight to see who would get the last bite!
She didn't have much of a nap today so it was an early night for her which leaves me plenty of time to fold laundry and dig into my new book. I think it could be an early night for me too!

1 comment:

Jaclyn said...

so glad you're back! :) I missed seeing what was going on with ya'll. Yay for us HOPEFULLY getting to visit this weekend even though we'll both have little girls climbing all over us. I've got a MAJOR clingy one too! Love ya!