Thursday, June 23, 2011

False Alarm

10:53am Tuesday morning about 2 hours after Brent has dropped Cecilia off at daycare:  "Kacie, this is Ms._______ from daycare.  Cecilia is fine but we think she may have thrush."


"Yeah.  We just sent one baby home with it and we think she has it."

"Ok.  I think I know what that is but not sure."

"It's like a yeast infection in your mouth."

"Well isn't that fabulous."

"Yeah."  Cue awkward laugh.

"So I guess I need to come get her?"


10:56:  I call my village babysitter, aka Nanny.  No answer.

10:57:  Call my mom asking if she knew where Nanny was.  No clue.

10:58:  Call Nanny again leaving a message that went a little like this...'Hey Nan.  I'm hoping you are just in the bathroom and can't answer but I really need you to.  (pause)  Ok well, run to the phone if you are there.  (pause)  Ok well, call me.  I really need you.'

I jump in my car and head to BG to get Cecilia.  On my way, I call Brent and give him the scoop.  He googles thrush to see what we are really dealing with because well tha's what we do every time the daycare calls with yet another random virus/disease they think she has.  We are a little confused on how she could have gotten it but who knows.  She catches everything.

I get halfway to town and my phone rings.  Ahh...Nanny.  My saving grace.  I give her the run down and ask if she feels like a playmate.  No problem.

Have I ever said how much I appreciate and love my Nanny?  I am soo very lucky to have her around.

After dropping C off, I call the pediatrician's office to tell them what's going on and make an appointment to see her the next day.  I get a call a few minutes later from the doctor's office saying it is pretty impossible for her to have thrush at her age.  Hmmm that's interesting.

I ponder the whole situation all day and decide I'm going to watch her over night and see what develops.  Wednesday little white bumps in her mouth.

I cancel her appointment because we already had a check up scheduled for today and I didn't feel like taking a healthy baby to the doctor 2 days in a row.

The doctor confirms today no thrush.  She is healthy (can I get a hallelujah!) and a late bloomer on the teeth.  She did have some little red bumps on her upper body but the doctor didn't seem to think it was anything.  Maybe just a reaction to something.

The only true thing wrong with her is she is...

(applying chap stick)


to the...


 I am so thankful this time it was just a false alarm.  I knew thrush wasn't possible but the bumps worried me only because they came up all of a sudden.  I just knew it would be some random disease that only comes from Africa but it managed to jump the ocean and land on my child!

Luckily they are gone now and my child is virus/disease/funk free!  That is until she goes back to school tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

Erin said...

Ty came home today with red bumps all over his back! And they thought he had thrush a few weeks ago (but his doctor confirmed he did not). I'll be glad when they outgrow all these illnesses!! :)