Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Real Lady in Training

Cecilia came home Friday knowing how to blow bubbles with her spit and how to gargle her spit.  I'm positive that was not the lesson at school for that day.

She loves to lay on my legs and gargle her spit.

I'm raising a real classy gal.

Operation No More Paci.
As if Friday wasn't entertaining enough with the spit, I decided the pacifier had to go.  We made the rule when she turned 1 that we would only give it to her at nap time and bedtime.  Well that didn't always happen and I was tired of looking at her with one in her mouth.

Bedtime Friday night was pretty bad which I knew it would be. However, Saturday was ROUGH!  We had gone with my mom to look at a puppy and it was the LONGEST hour in the car in my life!  Cecilia screamed the whole time and I got car sick trying to turn around to entertain her.

Not a good time!

The only thing good about it was watching Cecilia interact with the puppy.  She LOVED it and I can't wait to see her with it.

Everyday since then has just been an encore... 

 Arts and Crafts.
Cecilia has found my paint brushes.  She likes to dump them on the floor, pick out a few to carry and carry them all over the house.
 She gets SUPER ticked when I put them away.  But hey at this point, I'm immune to crying.

It's only Tuesday and I feel like haven't slept in 8 days and I'm not even the one crying and whining non stop.

Friday are you here yet?

1 comment:

Melinda said...

You obviously are one determined Mama!