Sunday, June 19, 2011

Let's Review

Happy Birthday!
Thursday night I went out with a group of girls to celebrate Jaclyn's birthday.

 We met at 440 Main here in town and enjoyed a nice night out just us girls.  We topped the night off with a trip to Stakz for dessert.  I'm going to gain 50lbs because of that stupid place!
 A few of us girls being silly trying out the new pose.
 There haven't been too many birthdays that Jac and I haven't celebrated together over the past 20 years.  Thanks to her sweet sister, I didn't have to miss out on this one.

Operation No More Paci: Mission Complete
I am proud to say Cecilia hasn't had a pacifier in 15 days!  It hasn't been easy and they haven't been great days (like Friday when she screamed bloody murder in both Target and Wal-Mart) but we are living pacifier free!  She seems to be doing fine without it.  We've noticed that she is a lot more clingy to me but who knows if that has anything to do with the pacifier.  Brent wishes I would bring it back when we have moments like we did in Wal-Mart but I refuse.  I would rather be that annoying mother with the screaming kid in aisle 5.

John Patrick
Saturday Cecilia and I went to Abby's baby shower to celebrate John Patrick's arrival here in a few short months.  The shower was so cute and there were lots of little ones there!  I was able to meet a new little face and hang out with some friends we don't always get to see.  We are like our own little baby boom with us all either having little ones or expecting one.

She Kissed the Pavement
Well we got our first big fall out of the way.

We had just got out of the car at my parent's house after the shower and my hands were full so I let Cecilia walk.  She caught a glimpse of my mom, got excited and forgot to pick up her feet.

BAM!!  She hit the pavement, head bouncing off the blacktop.  I yelled, dropped my bags and ran to her.

She screamed and we ran in the house to assess the damage.  I just knew it would be horrible.  I started sweating and pulled her away to see how bad it was.
 Bad but not near as bad as it could have been.  No scraps somehow, just a bruised forehead, a red nose and a minor place above her lip.  She cried for maybe 3 minutes then acted like nothing happened.  I didn't cry but at every moment flinched thinking she was going to get hurt again.

I think falls are harder on the mamas than the babies.

After the fall, we enjoyed playing with Dawson when he wasn't busy resting.
 My cousin Kelli came over to hang out and play with us since we haven't see her in a while.
 Cecilia put on a HUGE show that left us laughing so hard we were crying.
 That's not where your bloomers go!

She hadn't had a nap all day which usually makes her a real peach to be around but Saturday it only made her funnier!

We had a full past few days and today was a nice slow day but more on that tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you in BG? I've been reading for awhile, but don't know how I missed that!