Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ended With A Big Bang!

Tuesday was Cecilia's 2nd birthday and even though we had a party on Saturday, we still couldn't let the day go by without celebrating.

We had my parents over for dinner, cake and presents.

Is this cake not the cutest?!  Brent has a co-worker who makes cakes on the side so we asked if she would make one for us.  I gave her a picture and she did just what I asked.  Not only did it look cute but the cake itself was to die for.  Like melt in your mouth good.


After cake, it was time for presents.  My brother and sister in law had sent C a gift so we Skyped with them so they could watch her open it.

C checking out who was talking to her.

She got a few more Minnie things (seriously you can't walk into her room without bumping into something Minnie!) and some fun toys to play outside with.

It was a full day of celebrating at school and home and we finished the night with waking up at 1:01 am to a SCREAMING, BURNING up unhappy little girl.  Doctor confirmed yesterday that she has the flu!  So glad we got that flu shot.  NOT!  They are SO overrated.

We have no idea where she got it but we spent all day laying around snuggling watching movies.  She seemed to feeling better last night so hopefully she will have a better day today.

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