Monday, March 26, 2012

There's Never-ever-ever-ever-ever...

been a show like Veggie Tales!

Yesterday, my mom and I loaded up Cecilia and headed to Nashville to see Veggie Tales Live.  I am HUGE Veggie Tales fan (probably more than I should admit at 29) and Cecilia has finally started liking their movies so Mom got us tickets to go see them live.

The show was at one of the colleges and their campus was in full bloom.

I tried to get a few shots of C with the flowers but she was more interested in the dad next to us doing flips so his kids would smile for their pictures so this is all I got.

We arrived early to enjoy some of the fun activities they had going before the show.

They had a DJ there so someone got her groove on.  She is so hilarious to watch dance and not ashamed to busta move.

Again distracted by all the people.

We think Cecilia really enjoyed the show.  She sat and watched the whole thing without making a peep.

The show was pretty cute (a little corny at times) but Cecilia really seemed to enjoy seeing Bob and Larry in person.

Especially Bob.  For some reason he is her favorite.  I'm more of a Larry girl myself.

We had a fun girls day out and look forward to more in the years to come.

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