Wednesday, August 15, 2012

She Gets It Honest

It is a known fact I'm not the most graceful, coordinated person at times.  I've been know to run into walls/door facing/signs in the middle of stores or trip over my own feet or nothing at all.  This coordination stems from my mom who has been known to run into glass doors.  So Cecilia had very little hope of gracefulness/coordination.

Exhibit A.

Cecilia's class was outside playing yesterday when I went to pick her up.  As I rounded the corner, I could see her teacher holding her as she was screaming her head off.  The teacher explains that Cecilia was running after a ball, tripped and fell.  At this point there were no signs of major damage.  However, after a few hours, a knot popped up, above her eye turned black and blue and the marks you see above started showing.  Nice.

The only thing Brent could say was, 'she is just like her mother.'

1 comment:

Momoi said...

Bless her heart!