Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Phenomenon That Is My Bangs

I got bangs over 2 months ago and they are still shocking the pants off people.
I realize that it has changed my look a bit but I am quick to remind people that I have had bangs pretty much my entire life.
Age 2
 They were the thing back in the day and my mom made the decision about my hair. 

Age 4 or 5, I think
So I had bangs.

Age 7or 8?
It wasn't until I was allowed to my make own hair decision did I get away from the huge bangs.  I went for thinner version on them.
Freshman in high school
People ask me what Brent thinks of them.  He met me with bangs so it wasn't a big shock for him.  This was me the Christmas before he met me.  My hair was shorter but still had the bangs.
Although he isn't a huge fan of bangs, I warned him they were making a comeback.  After 11 years, he knows anytime I say I'm going to get my hair done, to expect anything.
I really didn't think getting bangs was going to get such a reaction from people but it has.  It's become comical watching people's expression when they first see me.  Most people don't recognize me.  Then are shocked when they figure it out.   There was suspicions that I might be having an affair (found this one hilarious!  bangs = affair?).  They have been the topic of a lot of conversations between me and some co-workers that I don't see often. Some have called me Kacie Bangs.  I told Brent people acted like I dyed my hair pink.
Who knew bangs was a big deal?


Momoi said...

I'm trying to decide if the comment "my mom made the decision about my hair" is a dig or not. I thought all Moms made the decisions about their children's hair. And, obviously I do like bangs :)

Alicia said...

I LOVE the bangs - I'm actually contemplating some sort of structure to my hair - we'll see!

Emily said...

I love the bangs too! Not everyone can pull them off, but you rock them!