Monday, December 10, 2012

Our Weekend

I can't remember when we've had a busier weekend where we didn't have actual plans.  We have run ourselves to death this weekend.
Saturday was spent running a thousand errands, all 3 of us getting haircuts, and shopping for an angel tree child we picked up as a family.
One of the errands was a trip to my Nanny's house to pick up the curtains she has been working on for C's room.
I was pretty excited to finally get them back and hung in C's room.  I think they look pretty fabulous!

I bought a shower curtain, had her cut it in half to make 2 panels then had her add ruffles to the bottom to make them long enough.

They are so cute and make the whole room!  Brent even commented on them (in a good way) which HUGE!

Her room is seriously becoming my favorite room of the house.  She is even spending a lot more time in there.
Sunday after church, we made yet another trip to town to do more shopping!  Thankfully Target was our only major stop.  I love to shop but hauling around a 30 pound kid and getting her in and out of her car seat, wears a person out.  She was over it by Sunday too.
Thankfully, we were home early and spend the rest of the day relaxing.
Well they relaxed.  I had another fight with my Christmas tree.  The day after Christmas I'm having a huge bonfire.

1 comment:

Momoi said...

We will toss out tree in too!