Tuesday, April 9, 2013

3yr Stats

We had Cecilia's 3 year check up yesterday.
I wish I could rattle off all her true stats but I can't; I totally forgot them.  I know she weighs about 31 pounds and is about 38 inches tall.  This put her in the 50th percentile.  Her blood pressure is normal or I say normal.  The nurse told me what it was but honestly she could have said 3 over 2 and I wouldn't know the difference.  I thought it was weird that they even did it at her age but whatever.  C thought it was cool.
After a few goofy questions (are you a boy or girl?  do you like to play house?), we were out the door.  She seems to be right on track with everything so we are pleased.
I have a love hate relationship with this age.  Even though it's so fun watching her figure things out, the attitude and back talking have got to go!  I'm not sure I have ever seen one child be so much like their parent but have mercy she is just like Brent. 
Kidding.  She is a true mini me and that is our biggest struggle.
And even though her and I have our daily struggles, she can flip the switch and can be the sweetest thing in the world.  She loves to give hugs and will kiss your face off and there is nothing sweeter than when we are cuddled up at night and she whispers 'I love you.'
This year she has learned to count to 10 in Spanish and to 13/14 in English.  She knows all her colors and shapes.  She uses both hands to do everything so we still aren't for sure if she will be left or right handed.
 She loves to be on the go.
Everyday after I pick her up, she asks 'where we going?' and is always very disappointed when I say home.

She is very prissy and all girl.  Loves playing with purses and playing dress up.

Playing mama is by far her favorite thing the in world.  She still talks about wanting and needing a baby.  I told the doctor yesterday her biological clock was ticking a little early.
She loves being outside running, riding her bike and playing in the dirt and rocks.  And the swing set was a great investment!

Cecilia Reid, you are a handful most days and give me a run for my money but don't ever think I don't thank the good Lord for you.  We can't imagine our life without our wild and crazy Gee!
We love you and here's to hoping we both survive the next year!

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