Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend Warrior, Kind Of

I was not short of things to do this weekend.  I'm taking full advantage of these nice, cool weekends.
First project: Paint cheap white shelf.
3 Shelf Pasadena Bookcase - Pure White
We've had one of these sitting in our kitchen that we used to put the microwave on.  I've been saying for 2 years that I was going to paint it but never pulled the trigger.
Well a few weeks ago, I picked up the HGTV Magazine and saw this cute two toned beauty...
LOVED, LOVED, LOVED!!!  So guess what I did?
(Like my photo bomber?  Why when I don't need to take a picture of her does she stand so still and smiles?  Argh!)
Yep, painted that bad boy just like the picture.

I love how it turned out!

And even though those are pretty bold colors, the shelf doesn't stand out like it did before.
Project 1:  Complete.
Second Project: Need pop of color in front of house.
My house is beige with black shutters and we have a bunch of green bushes in front of the house.  This all adds up to the house looking a little blah.  What's the cheapest way to fix that?  Add flowers in a cute planter.
I hit up the Dollar Store for a plastic planter.  Love the shape but hate the color obviously.
I spray painted it turquoise because as Brent said this weekend, I'm obsessed with that color.  Then I added flowers.

Yeah, kind of in love with that too.
Project 2:  Complete and FABULOUS!!!
Third and final project:  Landscape
This is the year that we have to do some major landscaping; plant flowers, bushes and mulch.  All things that I love to look at but hate the work.
To kick start that huge project, we planted a few new flowering bushes in the front and I planted a few little goodies in back yard.

The one thing I hate about planting flowers is that you have to wait for the dang things to grow and really bloom.  I like instant gratification in plants.  I mean this looks pitiful but has potential to be really pretty as long as I don't kill.
Oh well, it is a start.
Project 3: Almost complete

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