Monday, April 22, 2013

Princess Party

Saturday evening, Cecilia got all dressed up for Sydney's princess birthday party.
Jaclyn had the house decked out and even planned to have a special visitor come.  Who was that special visitor you ask?  Why none other they Cinderella herself!  All the girl's mouths dropped when she walked in and they just stared.  Minds blown!
Cinderella painted their faces or hands for those who weren't studying paint on their face (that would be my child).

Seriously, C did nothing but stare at her the entire time.
Then she read them a book on how to be polite like a princess.

And of course a lesson on how to wave...

and curtsy.

Last, they got in a circle and she sang a song from her movie.

All the girls were in complete awe of her!  And who wouldn't be.


Momoi said...

Such cute little princesses! The curtsy picture has to be my favorite!

Emily said...

What a cute idea!