Saturday, April 6, 2013

Gone in a Blink

If you ever want your Saturday to fly by, put together a swing set.  This is how our Saturday started...
My construction crew (Brent and my dad) both thought that it would only take a few hours but after it taking 45 minutes to put the ladder together, they quickly learned this was going to take most of the day.  Good thing they had plenty of help!
C organizing the pieces.
It was all hands on deck all day.

Well most hands.  C got tired and needed a weightlifting break. 

My main job was to read the directions and hold things.

C still on break trying to be like Momoi.

Finally she got off break and decided to use those muscles she was working on earlier.

 She was right under my dad and Brent all day.  My dad kept saying 'you're like some other little girl I know.'  I was always right beside him when he was working on anything.  I loved handing him tools and working on stuff.
After 8 hours, we still weren't done but we were running out of daylight.  At least we got the most important part up.

1st trip down the slide.
Brent and I still have a couple of hours left on the set but at least we have the big stuff done.  We just have to recover first!

1 comment:

Emily said...

C is so cute!! Tell her I said hi!! :)