Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Precious Daughter

Monday nights are always hard at our house.  Brent works until 9pm and those nights usually aren't pretty.  C always picks these nights to be a complete brat and I'm left needing a stiff drink.
This Monday I was determined not to have a bad night.  I fixed C and I a little pallet on the floor and told her we would pop popcorn and watch a movie.  She was thrilled!
She really is having a good time.  Just tired of me taking pictures.

Stop taking pictures of me!!  See brat.
She had a big time laying on the floor eating popcorn (and maybe a few cookies) and watching a new movie.

Sadly, we only lasted halfway through the movie before she got in big trouble for throwing things and not listening.  We had to end the night early because I could not handled all the drama that unfolded alone.
Last night I was even more determined not to have a repeat of Monday but that didn't happen.  She managed to cry for a good 45 minutes after I picked her up from school.  Nothing was calming her down so I suggested her and I take a walk.  This seemed to do wonders for her mood and my nerves.  We even managed to have a special mother-daughter moment during our walk. 
We were just about done with our walk and I was mentally congratulating myself on calming the beast.  I was deep in my thoughts when I heard C say something.  I looked down to see my precious 3 year old looking back at me with her big brown eyes.  I bent down closer so I could hear the sweet words of this child of mine that I dang near birthed naturally. 
Me:"What's that honey?"
C:"Yeah.  Why are your legs wiggling?"
I gathered what little self confidence I had left and replied, "because they're fat and I'm out of shape!"
Hallmark moments people.  Hallmark moments.


Emily said...

Bahaha, the kids say the darndest things, right? :)

Well all I can say least you didn't cry! I remember when Grace was little, she pointed to a lovely zit on my face and exclaimed (in front of everyone) "what's that on your face!?" and I proceeded to run away crying. :) Oh and PS - you are so not fat so don't even go there! :)

Momoi said...

Oh my, out of the mouths of babes!