Friday, April 11, 2014


Many of you are not going to care about this post but because my blog is our only family scrapbook, I wanted to document what's been going on the past few days in C's life.  

It appears she has had her first fight with one of her best friends at school.

When I picked her up on Wednesday afternoon, she immediately told me that her best friend had just yelled at her.  At first I didn't think much about because well, they're 4 and C wears her feelings on her sleeve.  But then she starting acting funny.  She wanted to be held and buried her face in my neck as we walked out.  I could tell she was near tears.

We got in the car and she repeated that *insert friend's name* had yelled at her and hurt her feelings.  This went on all night and she was on the verge of tears every time she talked about.  I couldn't get the whole story of why her friend yelled at her but it doesn't matter.  I tried to explain to her that friends sometimes get mad and say things that they don't really mean and that sometimes we get in bad moods and snap at people who don't deserve it.  We talked a little more but I'm not sure how much she understood because again she's 4 and this is kind of a big girl conversation.  One that I wasn't expecting to have for awhile.

I felt bad for her and wanted to make it better but I couldn't.  Brent suggested she just knock her out the next time she yells at her but that's a guy for ya.  They can have knock down drag outs and be best buddies 5 minutes later.  Girls not so much.

Bless her heart, C tries to be friends with everyone and wants everyone to like her.  Her feelings are easily hurt and she so sensitive about everything.  Look at her wrong and she is in a puddle.

I'm hoping this whole things blows over and C forgets about it.  Even though yesterday she told me it was a good day because *insert friend's name* didn't yell at her. *sigh*

I'm sure this is the many of best friend fights and we have a lot more drama headed our way.  I just wasn't expecting this to all start so soon.  Looks like mama is going to have to get medicated sooner than we though! ;)  Kidding.  Kind of.

1 comment:

Momoi said...

Bless her heart!