Monday, August 18, 2014

It's A...

Friday was our BIG appointment to find out if a baby boy or baby girl would be joining our family.  I've said from the very beginning that it was going to be a boy and B has said it was going to be a girl.  C was bound and determined she was going to have a baby sister.  Well, it looks like Mama was right.  We will be welcoming a baby BOY in January!

We are all super excited (yes that includes C)!

We've had several talks with her about how the baby may not be a girl like she hopes and that brothers aren't all that bad. Well the night before the appointment, her and I had one last talk and thank heavens all these talks seem to have worked because she looked at me and said, 'I'll be really, really happy if it's a boy but I'll be really, really, really, really, really happy if it's a girl.'

I wish we would have been able to take a picture of her face when the ultrasound tech told us it was a boy.  C grinned from ear to ear and told us she was really happy.

She was wearing a pink dress so I told her she would have to change into a blue one and she told us that blue was her favorite color.  :)

She is one proud big sister!

Naturally, we had Clifford again this weekend.  We are clearly the go to family at school on taking him home (a.ka. Suckers).

She did tell me later that night that she is happy about having a brother but hopes God gives us a girl next time.  ;) 

Oh and don't ask us names.  We have no clue.  Not that we would tell but the next 4 months are going to be a nightmare.  The last two days have made me want to pull my hair out.  How B and I agree on anything is completely amazing.


Alicia said...

Great pictures and I LOVE the story of C's reaction. She will be a great big sis! Little boys are a lot of fun!! :)

Emily said...

Yay!! I've been waiting for this post! :) Congrats!!!

Erin said...

Yay for sweet wild boys!! Hope you're starting to feel better too!!

Erin said...

Yay for sweet wild boys!! Hope you're starting to feel better too!!