Wednesday, October 20, 2010

7 Months

Here we are again, another month down.

You are still about 19 lbs and some change, wearing 6-9 month clothes, 9 month sleepers and a size 3 diaper. You eat cereal in the morning and a veggie at night along with half a fruit jar. We have still found NOTHING you don't like!

You are sleeping pretty well. You go to bed around 6:30 but for some reason this past week you have decided that 4:30 is your new wake time. We are currently in the process of changing that. Mama don't do 4:30. Neither does Daddy.

Oh and speaking of Daddy, I think you said "daddy" on Sunday. You were laying around chewing on your pacifier talking and something that sounded a lot like daddy came out. We thought we heard it once more later that night but in true Cecilia fashion you have yet to say it again.

As you can see, you are sitting up like a champ and only have a few tip overs every now and then. You love to entertain us with your endless chatter and your funny squeals.

You have discovered Colt and you find him hilarious! You will sit for hours watching him run around chasing his ball and crack up when he makes his funny noises. You love him very much but unfortunately he does not love you back. Every time you reach out to touch him he bolts. I have never seen him move as fast as I do when he figures out you are the one touching him!

We have only had to deal with one ear infection this month (knock on wood) but I'm afraid one could be coming on because you are currently sounding like a 2 pack a day-er with a runny nose. This usual leads to an ear infection. We are trying our hardest to get you better.

We have learned that you like to stand for short periods of time and are actually pretty good at it. I guess this could be considered a new trick but its not like you are moving anywhere!

I find you like this a lot...

laying back on the Boppy talking and chewing on your pacifier. You haven't figured out how to sit back up so after a few minutes you starting whining for someone to come save you. I have also found you on your belly a lot too. Not that you are trying to roll over, you have just underestimated how far a toy is and fall flat when you can't quite reach it. It annoys you to be on your belly so you will let out a few cries until we flip you over. The shirt also says it all about your personality lately but then again you get it honest. Daddy can be very sassy at times! :)


Grams said...

What a big girl you are Ms. Cecilia - love your outfit - especially with those big beautiful eyes of yours. Grams and paps can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks and have you entertain us with all the new things you are learning so fast. It would be nice for you to start sleeping in a little longer though even though mommy and daddy are early birds themselves - key word here is birds and not chickens!

Love you very much - see you soon!!Grams xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxx

Anonymous said...

Cecilia, love the black leggins with your Boo dress and your big black hairbow!

Jaclyn said...

walionoh sweet girl, you can't be 7 months old! I can't wait to get my hands on her tomorrow. Love the Boo outfit!

Jaclyn said...

what in the world - my comment went nuts! It should start with oh...not that other stuff!?!?