Thursday, September 22, 2011

Total Slacker

I have been a total slacker concerning the blog but it has been a mad house around here and by the end of the day my brain can't function enough to put sentences together.  I'm not sure my brain in functioning now but I need to post for "scrapbooking" purposes.

Cecilia my dear, you are 18 months!!!

I look at you and realized I no longer have a baby to hold in my arms.  I have an active, spunky, rotten, sweet, funny toddler on my hands!

Since your 1 year post you have gotten 4 more teeth making our grand total 6, you started using a fork to feed yourself, you've used the potty a few times, your vocabulary has increased (too many words to post) your favorite being 'no' and you brush your own teeth.

You love to sit at your table and play and color.

You loved playing outside this summer with your water table and taking walks around the neighborhood.

I think your favorite days are the ones you spend alone with Daddy.  There are always new tricks to show me when I get home.

I get this face a lot when you aren't happy and don't want to do what I want you to (like sit still for 2 seconds so I can take a decent picture) followed by a 'NO.' Your personality comes out more each day. Some days it has you and me nose to nose seeing which will break first and other days it has us curled up on the couch together.


You're beginning to like your new class at school.  You're learning so much there and we are pretty amazed at the things you pick.

You're a firecracker and we love it!  I think we have our hands full in the years to come but that's ok.

Last night we went out with the family to celebrate Nanny's birthday at Red Lobster.  You were in a great mood and entertained us all!

I think by the end of the night you had cleaned 4 plates!  Who knew you could eat sooo much!

You opened up at the end of dinner and played around with everyone including the people at Red Lobster.
We ended our night as always at Stakz.

 There is nothing like a little birthday cake with triple chocolate topped with a few sprinkles!

The birthday girls.

We had lot of fun hanging out with family doing what we do best, EAT!

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