Monday, October 24, 2011

Snot Rags and A Smoker's Cough

Oh the joys of having a child who suffers from allergies!  Cecilia's nose hasn't stopped running and Friday night woke us with at 12:30am with a smoker's cough that kept us from sleeping for 2 nights.  It doesn't slow her down but we stayed indoors for the most part all weekend.

I hated that it was such a nice weekend and we couldn't play outside but even the small amount that we were out she came home coughing up a lung.  I hate that babies can't have cough syrup but at least what we can give her has finally kicked in and has helped.

I always try and do or try something new to keep us entertained when we can't  get out.  This time we tried a new snack...

popcorn!  And girlfriend LOVED it!

Her and I shared a bowl only I think she ate half the bowl!

Sunday we stayed home from church since we still were recovering and cabin fever made us do funny things...

Luckily, we snapped out of it just before some friends came over.  They had just gotten back from a trip to New Orleans and they never come home emptied handed.

Please notice the new Wormie.  Ha!  We have added this to our stock pile so when the current Wormie bites the dust we have a standby.

Here's to hoping we have a snot free week and that my eye cream starts kicking in.

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