Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas 2011: The Finale

Friday around lunch, we left to go to my in-laws to celebrate Christmas with them.  With New Year's falling on a weekend, we were able to spend more time that usually with the fam.

Saturday, my mother-in-law made appointments for all the girls to get pedicures.  My pedicure partner was my niece.

She was a hoot!  While the lady was massaging her legs, she asked her how it felt.  She replied, "wonderful!"  HA!  Then added a"'wonderful da-ling."  I lost it!  What 5 year old says that!  :)

Cecilia had a good time hanging out with her cousins and watching 'moo-bees' together.

Sadly, I don't have very many pictures because a lot of the weekend we slept in, laid around and did a whole lot of nothing.  I tired to take a few pictures when we were opening presents but Cecilia kept trying to take Aubrey's and Nora's toys so I had my hands full.

We did get a surprise when we woke up Monday morning to snow!  Luckily it wasn't too bad yet but it did snow on us most of the way home.

There were cars off in the median everywhere and thankfully we weren't one of them.

And our trip home was more enjoyable because Cecilia got a portable DVD player from Brent's parents.

I had forgotten how quiet a 4 1/2 hour trip could be without a kid screaming for 4 hours of it.  The thing has changed my life!

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