Thursday, January 19, 2012


We haven't had a lot of exciting things going on at the Miller household.  I was out of town on business a couple of days this week so I haven't wanted to do much but hang out with Cecilia.  I still hate leaving her but the return is so sweet!  To hear her scream with excitement and bounce up and down when I walked in, made my day.

In other boring news, I FINALLY ordered Cecilia's 1 year book.  Only a year behind but no biggie.  In my defense, I've had it done for at least 8 months but hadn't ordered it.  Oh well, that really doesn't make me sound better either.  That just points out how lazy I am.

I got it today and it turned out so good!  I'm so pleased with it and have already looked at it twice.

Almost gets me excited about working on her 2 year book.  Almost.

1 comment:

Momoi said...

I can't wait to see it!