Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Time To Get Serious

I thought we were on our way to having an early potty going kid.  That was until one day she stayed home with Daddy and things haven't been the same since.  He swears he did nothing but she hasn't sat on the potty since.

That was until I pulled out the big guns...

stickers and M&M's.

It's time we nip this in the bud and get out of diapers!  I'm tired of dodging flaying legs and arms at EVERY diaper change.

She can tell you when she is wet ("I poop!" Says that for both) and has started pulling at her diaper so I'm digging in my heels and getting this kid potty trained!

Last night was night 1.  I told her I would give her a sticker for sitting on the potty (since she now has a fear of it, I need to reward) and M&M's for doing her business.  She kept pointing at the M&M's and I had to tell her no less than 50 times that she couldn't have them until she used the potty.  I'm hoping her love for chocolate out weighs her fear of the potty.  If she is anything like me, she can hold out 1 day but not 2.

We made a little progress last night and she actually sat on the potty.  Of course, she about came unglued once her cheeks hit the seat but we praised her and gave her a sticker (which she wore to bed and was still looking for this morning!).

Can't wait to see what night 2 holds.  If we don't get some type of progress, I'm afraid Brent and I will tear into the M&M's.  It's rough having chocolate in the house that's not yours.  They taunt me and I have no will power against chocolate. (and my dad is thinking, 'you are your mother's child.')


Alicia said...

Good luck!! Angie just put her girls in panties and said "it's time to start going to the potty". Several accidents later, they realized they would rather go to the toilet than mess up a pair of panties. :)

Momoi said...

That'S not a bad idea Alicia. Unless of course, your child doesn't mind messy panties.

Grams said...

If she is anything like her daddy, it will only take 1 bag of M&M's - thats all it took for him!!!