Friday, April 13, 2012

Doggie Bootcamp

We've got my mom's dog for a few days going through what I'm calling Doggie Bootcamp.  Dawson, the dog, is NUTS!  He is so wild and LOVES being in your face.  He wants everything he's not supposed to have and will go to great lengths to get it.  He can just about jump up on my parent's kitchen counters if he sees something he likes.

My dog HATES him!  Dawson gets in Colt's face and tries to mess with him and Colt just isn't having it.  They typically can't be in the same room together.  We're trying to change that since both dogs are going to be around for a while and my parents are my dog sitter.

So hence the bootcamp.

Last night when I got home, it did not go well.  Cecilia loves Dawson but at a distance and with a gate between them.  I thought this had changed on our way home because she thought it was the greatest thing Dawson being in the car with her.  She giggled, talked to Dawson and wanted him in her lap.  Even when we got out of the car, she was walking beside him trying to grab his leash.  That good feeling lasted until we walked into the house.  Cue SCREAMING kid.  Great.

For the first 30 minutes, I'm trying to hold a screaming child, keep the two dogs away from one another and put up the gates so I can separate them all the while trying not to pee in my pants.  Why does nature call at the most inconvenient times?

Finally, everyone was in their perspective spots and all was well.  Until Brent came home and took the gates down.

Tempers flared, dogs sniffed hind ends and the fight for top dog began.  Have mercy!  They eventually settled down and we were able to have a semi peaceful evening.  Dawson showed us he can relax...

but my dog wouldn't let him much.  He watched his every move.

Brent is at home with the dogs and Cecilia today.  I'm pretty sure my mom and I are both praying that her dog lives to see another day.

Nobody said bootcamp was fun.  Not even for the teachers.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Can Lucy join boot camp too? :)