Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tag I'm It.

I was just tagged by my good friend Emily to answer a few questions about me.  I'm supposed to make up 11 more questions and tag 11 people but sadly I don't have that many blogger friends so I'll just answer the questions.
1. What is a typical day like for you?  My day starts at 5:15am. I get ready then help Brent get Cecilia ready so they can head out the door.  I'm gone by 6:35 to head to work.  I work until 4, pick up C then spend the rest of the night picking up toys, cooking, neogiating with a 2 year old and finally hit the bed around 9:30 or 10.

2. What is your favorite breakfast food?  Hmm...tough one becuase I'm a BIG fan of breakfast.  I guess I would say biscuits and gravy but I need to have hashbrowns on the side.

3. What is your dream car?  I've always been in love with Cadillacs (I can thank my Nanny and Poppy for that one) and right now I like the CTS Sport if I had to have a car but I'm a SUV kind of girl so Escalade would be my top choice.

4. Are you a spender or a saver? I am the saver in our family.  Brent's the big spender that I have to rope in every now and then.  :)

5. What are your top 3 favorite singers/bands? Ooo this is a bad one for me becuase even though I like listening to music, I don't have favorites.  I'll just name a few cds I have currently in the car...Skillet, Selah and Train

6. What is the color you wear most?  I seem to wear a lot of black to work and I feel like I'm always out and about in a white tee.

7. If you were on a deserted island, what 3 things would you have to have? If I had a good supply of food and water and not counting Brent and Cecilia...chapstick, my blanket and Diet Coke.

8. What is your favorite perfume? Sweet Pea from Bath and Body Works

9. Flats or heels? Both.  Depends on the outfit.

10. Beach or mountains? Beach.  My dream vacations are laying poolside looking the beach reading a good book.

11. What is your favorite thing about blogging? Having it as my family scrapbook.  I don't get into scrapbooking (takes too much time and $$) and it only captures moments.  For me, blogging not only captures the moment but what I was feeling in that moment.  Plus, it gives people a little insight on who you are and what you are about.  I love reading other people's blogs and feel like we are all a little community even though we may not know each other on a personal level.
So there you have it.  A little insight on who I am.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Yay, thanks for playing along! :)

You leave for work at 6:35, holy cow! I always love learning about other people's daily schedules for some reason!