Friday, June 22, 2012


Big girl bed update:  It seems to be a success.  She hasn't fallen out of the bed and still seems to love her "new" bed.  There is less drama about going to bed and she loves being able to get out of bed herself.  SCORE!

This week has been a complete blur.  Wednesday my boss and I went to Indiana to look at a new facility of one of our suppliers.  It ended up being a 14 hour day and the majority of it was spent in a car.  :(  I spent the days before and after trying to get things caught back up.  I'm so thankfully it is Friday and I get to spend more time with this nugget...

enjoying playing dress up.

Mom and I have a big shopping day planned for tomorrow.  We are considering it her last hurrah before she has her knee worked on next week.  I'm super pumped but afraid she won't be able to keep up.  I may have to leave her and Cecilia in the play area so I can do some damage to my wallet.

3 o'clock can not come fast enough today.

1 comment:

Momoi said...

If that isn't the cutest!