Monday, August 20, 2012

Pretty Perfect

The weekend is over and I'm sitting here wishing the work week wasn't here.  Not because I don't want to go to work (even though it is totally true) but because we had a pretty great weekend hanging around the house doing much of nothing but doing a lot.

It was just Cecilia and I much of Saturday and we spent our time playing, cleaning and doing a little purging of junk.

She finds my tote of purses to be the most amazing thing ever.  Her eyes lit up as soon as I pulled it out and played for a good 45 minutes.


We've added 2 new faces here when we found leftover craft supplies from her birthday party.

They have been packed all over the house and are never more than an arms length away.


Brent washed the cars on Sunday afternoon and had an extra set of hands to help.

She imitated his every move.

She was soaked when it was all said and done but she had the time of her life.


Lately Cecilia hasn't been walking with me at night but I finally convinced her to go on a Sunday afternoon stroll with me.

Clearly it was a very relaxing time for her.


We capped our weekend off with a picnic at the park.

I'm all about a picnic, Cecilia is all about the park and Daddy goes along for the ride.

Her outfit was her choice.  She sometimes has an opinion about what she wears.

She ran, jumped and bounced from ride to ride.  Even convinced her daddy to join in.  Of course it doesn't take much.

It was a perfect ending to a pretty perfect weekend.

1 comment:

Momoi said...

Sweet! And I love her choice of clothing for the picnic at the park. :0)