Our Thanksgiving celebration started last weekend when we went to Muncie to visit Brent's family. His mom cooked a wonderful meal and we were able to relax and hang out with the family all weekend long. We were also able to spend some quality time with our niece, which we LOVE! She is at the age where she is fun to be around and you never know what she will do or say next.
On Thanksgiving Day, we did things a little different than we normally do. Normally we go to my Granny's house (dad's mom) and spend the day hanging out with that side of the family. Then on the Saturday after, my mom cooks for her side of the family. This year my mom decided to cook on Thanksgiving day so we had lunch with my parents, brother and my Nanny. After lunch, my mom had a family open house for everyone in the family that wanted to come over for dessert and to hang out. This worked out wonderfully! We didn't have to run around here, there, and yonder all day and we were able to actually enjoy each other's company. Since Brent has to work really early the day after all the holidays, our holidays sometimes pass in a blurr with the running and we don't get to sit back and relax. That was not the case this year and I hope we have started a new tradition!
On Friday, I had to work the first half of the day but that afternoon I met up with my mom and Nanny to do a little shopping. I usually avoid big holiday shopping days because I HATE crowds and people breathing down my neck while I'm trying to look but thanks to my Nanny she kept me entertained enough that I didn't worry with the crowds. It has been awhile since we have done a shopping trip together and I forgot how much fun she is to shop with. She is an unusual shopper because if it ain't on sale enough or if she doesn't have a coupon, she ain't buyin'. And if something is marked wronged or the price doesn't suit her, she just walks off leaving the clerk and item in the dust. These things used to embarrass me when I was little but now I think it is funny and I do the same things! I'm not as extreme as her; I might buy the item then return it later, but I don't pay full price for much. She called me a tight wad at one point and I asked her just who she thought I got that from! It truly is an adventure shopping with her and I can't wait for our Christmas shopping date I have planned!
I also finally got all my Christmas decorations up; after 3 days! I usually do it in one day, but I kept getting tired so I had to stretch it out this year. Thanks to my in laws, we got a new tree this year. Well new to us. The tree didn't suit their needs so last weekend they gave it to us. We were so excited A. because it was pre-lit and bigger than our old one and B. because it was FREE!!!! (Something else I got from my Nanny, we LOVE free stuff!) Our tree no longer looks like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree! Ha! It wasn't that bad but it was still pretty pitiful! Now everything looks great and I am officially in the Christmas spirit!
Unleash The Fun – Dog Themed Pawty
1 day ago